

  • Python 2.7+ or Python 3.4+
  • Pip (installed by default in newer versions of Python)
  • Numpy (will be installed automatically by pip)
  • The instruction below are written assuming you have access to a command shell on Linux / UNIX / MacOSX / Cygwin

Installation using pip

The easiest way to install eFEL is to use pip:

pip install git+git://

In case you don’t have administrator access this command might fail with a permission error. In that case you could install eFEL in your home directory:

pip install --user git+git://

Or you could use a python virtual environment:

virtualenv pythonenv
. ./pythonenv/bin/activate
pip install git+git://

Installing the C++ standalone library

If your system doesn’t have it, install CMake.

Make a new build directory:

mkdir build_cmake

Configure the build, replace YOURINSTALLDIR with the directory in which you want to install the efel library (e.g. /usr/local):

cd build_cmake

Run the compilation and installation:

make install

This will have installed a static and shared library as:
