Blue Brain BioExplorer
core::Box< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for core::Box< T >, including all inherited members.

Box()=defaultcore::Box< T >
Box(const vec &pMin, const vec &pMax)core::Box< T >inline
getCenter() constcore::Box< T >inline
getMax() constcore::Box< T >inline
getMin() constcore::Box< T >inline
getSize() constcore::Box< T >inline
intersect(const Box< T > &aabb)core::Box< T >inline
isEmpty() constcore::Box< T >inline
merge(const Box< T > &aabb)core::Box< T >inline
merge(const vec &point)core::Box< T >inline
operator==(const Box< T > &other) constcore::Box< T >inline
reset()core::Box< T >inline
vec typedefcore::Box< T >