HighFive 2.9.0
HighFive - Header-only C++ HDF5 interface
No Matches
Migration Guide

A collection of tips for migrating away from deprecated features.

Deprecation of FixedLenStringArray.

The issue with FixedLenStringArray is that it is unable to avoid copies. Essentially, this class acts as a means to create a copy of the data in a format suitable for writing fixed-length strings. Additionally, the class acts as a tag for HighFive to overload on. The support of std::string in HighFive has improved considerable. Since 2.8.0 we can write/read std::string to fixed or variable length HDF5 strings.

Therefore, this class serves no purpose anymore. Any occurrence of it can be replaced with an std::vector<std::string> (for example).

If desired one can silence warnings by replacing FixedLenStringArray with deprecated::FixedLenStringArray.

Deprecation of read(T*, ...).

A "raw read" is when the user allocates sufficient bytes and provides HighFive with the pointer to the first byte. "Regular reads" take a detour via the inspector and might resize the container, etc.

The issue is that HighFive v2 had the following two overloads:

template<class T>
DataSet::read(T& x, /* skipped */);
template<class T>
DataSet::read(T* x, /* skipped */);

and the analogous for Attribute.

The issue is that the second overload will also match things like T** and T[][]. For example the following code used the removed overload:

double x[2][3];

which is fine because is a contiguous sequence of doubles. It's equivalent to following v3 code:

double x[2][3];
dset.read_raw((double*) x);

Accidental Raw Read

We consider the example above to be accidentally using a raw read, when it could be performing a regular read. We suggest to not change the above, i.e.

double x[2][3];

continues to be correct in v3 and can check that the dimensions match. The inspector recognizes double[2][3] as a contiguous array of doubles. Therefore, it'll use the shallow-copy buffer and avoid the any additional allocations or copies.

Intentional Raw Read

When genuinely performing a "raw read", one must replace read with read_raw. For example:

double* x = malloc(2*3 * sizeof(double));

is correct in v3.

Reworked CMake

In v3 we completely rewrote the CMake code of HighFive. Since HighFive is a header only library, it needs to perform two tasks:

  1. Copy the sources during installation.
  2. Export a target that sets -I ${HIGHFIVE_DIR} and links with HDF5.

We've removed all flags for optional dependencies, such as -DHIGHFIVE_USE_BOOST. Instead user that want to read/write into/from optionally supported containers, include a header with the corresponding name and make sure to adjust their CMake code to link with the dependency.

The C++ code should have:

#include <highfive/boost.hpp>
// Code the reads or write `boost::multi_array`.

and the CMake code would have

# These lines might work, but depend on how exactly the user intends to use
# Boost. They are not specific to HighFive, but previously added automatically
# (and sometimes correctly) by HighFive.
target_link_libraries(add PUBLIC boost::boost)
# For HighFive there's two options for adding `-I ${HIGHFIVE_DIR}` and the
# flags for HDF5.
# Option 1: HighFive is install (systemwide) as a regular library:
target_link_libraries(app PUBLIC HighFive::HighFive)
# Option 2: HighFive is vendored as part of the project:
target_link_libraries(app PUBLIC HighFive::HighFive)

There are extensive examples of project integration in tests/cmake_integration, including how those projects in turn can be included in other projects. If these examples don't help, please feel free to open an Issue.

Type change DataSpace::DataSpaceType.

We've converted the enum DataSpace::DataSpaceType to an enum class. We've added static constexpr members dataspace_null and dataspace_scalar to DataSpace. This minimizes the risk of breaking user code.

Note that objects of type DataSpace::DataSpaceType will no longer silently convert to an integer. Including the two constants DataSpace::dataspace_{scalar,null}.

Deprecation FileDriver and MPIOFileDriver.

These have been deprecated to stick more closely with familiar HDF5 concepts. The FileDriver is synonymous to FileAccessProps; and MPIOFileDriver is the same as:

auto fapl = FileAccessProps{};
fapl.add(MPIOFileAccess(mpi_comm, mpi_info));

We felt that the savings in typing effort weren't worth introducing the concept of a "file driver". Removing the concept hopefully makes it easier to add a better abstraction for the handling of the property lists, when we discover such an abstraction.