Class EdgeIterator

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public std::iterator< std::input_iterator_tag, const edge_uid_t >

Class Documentation

class EdgeIterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, const edge_uid_t>

Iterator class for edges.

Unnamed Group

template<EdgeOrientation Orientation>
EdgeIterator(const GraphImpl<Orientation> &pimpl, size_t from)

Ctors and dtors.

Create an iterator over edges

  • pimpl: Pointer to implementation

  • from: Move iterator a specified index

EdgeIterator(const EdgeIterator &other)

Copy constructor

  • other: Other iterator

Public Types

using EdgeIteratorImpl_ptr = std::shared_ptr<EdgeIteratorImpl>

Public Functions

EdgeIterator &operator++()

Move iterator to next element.


this instance

const EdgeIterator operator++(int)

Advance the iterator by specified element positions.


copy of the iterator before the operation

bool operator==(const EdgeIterator &other) const

compare 2 edge iterators

bool operator!=(const EdgeIterator &other) const

compare 2 edge iterators

const value_type &operator*()

Get edge at the current iterator position


constant reference to element