Template Class Graph

Class Documentation

template<EdgeOrientation Orientation>
class Graph

Ctors & Dtor

Graph(const std::string &path)

load graph if present on disk, initialize it otherwise

  • path: graph directory on disk

Graph(const std::string &path, const std::string &config)

create graph on disk at the given path with the given configuration

  • path: the graph directory on disk (must not exist)

  • config: the path to a JSON file


graph instance destructor

Public Types

using vertex_const_iterator_t = std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, const vertex_t>

iterator over vertices

Public Functions

Edges<Orientation> &edges()

edges accessor

Vertices<Orientation> &vertices()

vertices accessor

Status commit()

Process uncommitted operations.


information whether operation succeeded or not

std::string statistics() const

Provides human readable string of all database counters.