
Table of Contents:


Organizations can represent a lab, a company or even a team of collaborators. They are used to store projects.

nexussdk.organizations.create(org_label, description=None)

Create a new organization.

  • org_label – The label of the organization. Does not allow spaces or special characters

  • description – OPTIONAL The description of the organization


The payload from the Nexus API as a dictionary. This contains the Nexus metadata of the organization

nexussdk.organizations.deprecate(org_label, rev)

Deprecate an organization. Nexus does not allow deleting organizations so deprecating is the way to flag them as not usable anymore. A deprecated organization can not be modified/updated.

  • org_label – The label of the organization to deprecate

  • rev – The previous revision number. To be provided to make sure the user is well aware of the details of the last revision of this organisation.


The payload from the Nexus API as a dictionary. This contains the Nexus metadata of the organization

nexussdk.organizations.fetch(org_label, rev=None)

Fetch an organization.

  • org_label – The label of the organization

  • rev – OPTIONAL The specific revision of the wanted organization. If not provided, will get the last


All the details of this organization, as a dictionary

nexussdk.organizations.list(pagination_from=0, pagination_size=20)

NOT WORKING List all the organizations.

  • pagination_from – OPTIONAL Index of the list to start from (default: 0)

  • pagination_size – OPTIONAL Size of the list (default: 20)


The payload from the Nexus API as a dictionary. This contains the Nexus metadata of the organization

nexussdk.organizations.update(org, rev=None)

Update an organization. Only the field “name” can be updated (and “description” in the future).

  • org – Organization payload as a dictionary. This is most likely the returned value of organisation.get(…)

  • rev – OPTIONAL The last revision number, to make sure the developer is aware of the latest status of this organization. If not provided, the _rev number from the org argument will be used.


The payload from the Nexus API as a dictionary. This contains the Nexus metadata of the organization


A project is a place to store data (files, resources, schemas, etc.). It belongs to an organization.

nexussdk.projects.create(org_label, project_label, description=None, api_mappings=None, vocab=None, base=None)

Create a new project under an organization.


The payload from the Nexus API as a dictionary. This contains the Nexus metadata of the project

nexussdk.projects.deprecate(project, rev=None)

Deprecate a project. Nexus does not allow deleting projects so deprecating is the way to flag them as not usable anymore. A deprecated project cannot be modified/updated.

  • project – The project payload, most likely retrieved with fetch()

  • rev – OPTIONAL provide the last version of the project to make sure the user has full knowledge of the version being deprecated. If not provided, the revision number from the project payload will be used.


The payload from the Nexus API as a dictionary. This contains the Nexus metadata of the project

nexussdk.projects.deprecate_2(org_label, project_label, rev)

Deprecate a project. Nexus does not allow deleting projects so deprecating is the way to flag them as not usable anymore. A deprecated project cannot be modified/updated.

  • org_label – The label of the organization the project to deprecate belongs to

  • project_label – The label of the project to deprecate

  • rev – The previous revision number. Provided to make sure the user is well aware of the details of the last revision of this project.


The payload from the Nexus API as a dictionary. This contains the Nexus metadata of the project

nexussdk.projects.fetch(org_label, project_label, rev=None)

Fetch a project and all its details. Note: This does not give the list of resources. To get that, use the resource package.

  • org_label – The label of the organization that contains the project to be fetched

  • project_label – label of a the project to fetch

  • rev – OPTIONAL The specific revision of the wanted project. If not provided, will get the last.


All the details of this project, as a dictionary

nexussdk.projects.list(org_label=None, pagination_from=0, pagination_size=20, deprecated=None, full_text_search_query=None)

List all the projects. If the arguments org_label is provided, this will list only the projects of this given organization. If not provided, all the projects from all organizations will be listed.

  • org_label – OPTIONAL get only the list of project for this given organization

  • pagination_from – OPTIONAL Index of the list to start from (default: 0)

  • pagination_size – OPTIONAL Size of the list (default: 20)

  • deprecated – OPTIONAL Lists only the deprecated if True, lists only the non-deprecated if False, lists everything if not provided or None (default: None)

  • full_text_search_query – OPTIONAL List only the projects that match this query


The payload from the Nexus API as a dictionary. This contains the Nexus metadata and the list of projects

nexussdk.projects.update(project, rev=None)

Update a project. The data to update on a project are mostly related to the api mapping. To do so, you must get the project information as a payload, most likely using project.fetch(…), then, modify this payload according to the update to perform, and finally, use this modified payload as the project argument of this method.

  • project – Project payload as a dictionary. This is most likely the returned value of project.fetch(…)

  • rev – OPTIONAL The last revision number, to make sure the developer is aware of the latest status of this project. If not provided, the _rev number from the project argument will be used.


The payload from the Nexus API as a dictionary. This contains the Nexus metadata of the project