Global Variables

The following global variables exist:

  • GLOBAL visible from HOC/Python.

  • LOCAL at file scope, called top-locals.

  • CONSTANT not visible from HOC/Python.

GLOBAL variables

GLOBAL variables behave in one of three different ways:

  • read-only if the variable is not written to from inside the MOD file, is considered read-only. It behaves like there’s a single instance that’s shared across all threads. Currently, they’re implemented as a static double, i.e. a regular C/C++ global variable. This MOD file is (still) thread-safe.

  • read-write Setting a value via PARAMETER is not considered a write-access. While setting the value from within the MOD file in all other contexts, including INITIAL, counts as a write-access.

    • THREAD_SAFE:, if the MOD file is marked thread-safe, then the assumption is that it’s safe to create multiple instances of the global variable, e.g. one per thread. We call these thread-variables. This MOD file is considered thread-safe.

    • Not THREAD_SAFE: if the MOD file is not stated to be THREADSAFE, then the assumption is that the global variables must behave like a single instance would. As a result, these MOD files are not thread-safe.

The visibility of GLOBAL variables it the following:

  • ASSIGNED: any GLOBAL variable that appears in an ASSIGNED block is not visible from HOC/Python.

  • PARAMETER: any GLOBAL variable that appears in a PARAMETER block is visible (read/write) from HOC/Python. Any PARAMETER that’s not explicitly made a RANGE variable is considered a GLOBAL.

  • undefined: any GLOBAL variable that’s not listed in either an ASSIGNED or PARAMETER block is treated as if it were ASSIGNED, i.e. it’s not visible from HOC/Python.

Top-LOCAL variables

Top-LOCAL variables are LOCAL variables at file-scope. They are never visible from HOC/Python and always treated as top-local variables.

Since top-locals can’t be assigned a value from HOC/Python and assignment in INITIAL blocks counts as a write-access, the only way of assigning a value to a read-only top-local would be in the PARAMETER block. However, variables mentioned in PARAMETER are always RANGE or GLOBAL variables; and it’s not allowed to have two global variables with the same name. Therefore, read-only top-locals aren’t possible.

Note that nocmodl promotes all top-local variables to thread-variables, even if the MOD file isn’t marked with THREADSAFE. Hence, top-local variables are always thread-variables.

Thread Variables

Thread variables can be safely used as scratch-pad memory. Historically, they’ve been advertised as an optimization technique that reduces the memory footprint.

The canonical example is hh.mod. The common pattern is that they’re used as return values from a PROCEDURE:

  m' =  (minf-m)/mtau

PROCEDURE rates(v(mV)) {
  TABLE minf, mtau DEPEND celsius FROM -100 TO 100 WITH 200

  minf = ...
  mtau = ...

What we see is that for every instance we compute the value minf and mtau, before we use them in states. Technically there’s no need for one copy per instance of the mechanism. For example in Python one could write:

minf, mtau = rates(v[i])
dm[i] =  (minf-m[i])/mtau

Therefore, if the author doesn’t need to record the value of minf and mtau, then using RANGE variables might be considered wasting memory. Under these circumstances, and before multi-threading existed, the solution was to use a GLOBAL. When multi-core processors arrived, these MOD files were suddenly not thread-safe. The solution was to introduce a keyword THREADSAFE and create one copy of the global per thread.

Initial Values

Note that thread-variables ignore the initial value set in the PARAMETER block entirely.

For INITIAL blocks the requirement is that:

  gbl = 2.0

guarantees that all copies of gbl are assigned the value 2.0.

HOC/Python Access

Note that there’s no synchronization when setting or writing to thread-variables. What happens is that is acts the (or a) value of thread 0. The value on other threads is either left unchanged when writing or ignored when reading the global variable.

Implementation Details for NEURON

NMODL distinguishes between top-local variables and GLOBAL variables at the level of the AST. Then for code-generation we introduce the concept of “thread-variables”. All top-locals are considered thread-variables. GLOBAL variables that are read-write and THREADSAFE can be converted to thread variables.

Since thread-variables are permitted to have multiple copies per thread, we can generalize this to be multiple copies per thread and SIMD lane; or one copy per instance of the mechanism for GPUs (effectively a RANGE variable similar to what CoreNEURON does).

Registering GLOBAL variables for access from HOC/Python happens via

static DoubScal hoc_scdoub[] = {
  {"g_w_shared_global", &g_w_shared_global},
  {0, 0}

static DoubVec hoc_vdoub[] = {
  {"g_arr_shared_global", g_arr_shared_global, 3},
  {0, 0, 0}

hoc_register_var(hoc_scdoub, hoc_vdoub, hoc_intfunc);

which means for each global we register a stable address (e.g. the address of some static variable) individually. The elements of ARRAY valued globals must be stored contiguously.

The strategy is the following: each instance of the mechanism is associated with a specific, not necessarily unique, copy of the thread-variable. For SIMD this allows us to compute the copy of the thread-variable using modulo arithmetic; on a GPU one could either assign a copy to each variable; or use scratch pad memory (e.g. __shared__ memory when using CUDA).


Collection of slightly surprising behaviour:

  • Thread variables effectively can’t be use in NET_RECEIVE blocks, because the code nocmodl produces will cause a SEGFAULT.

PARAMETER variables

These can be either RANGE or not RANGE. They can be both read and write. If they’re written to, they’re converted to thread-variables. Therefore, the rest of this section will only describe read-only PARAMETERs.

Additionally, parameters optionally have: a) a default value, b) units and c) a valid range.

Default Values

This section only applies to read-only PARAMETERs.

The behaviour differs for RANGE variables and non-RANGE variables. For RANGE variables, default values need to be registered with NEURON for all PARAMETERs that are RANGE variables. The function is called hoc_register_parm_default.

Note, that NOCMODL uses it in the nrn_alloc in the generated .cpp files and also in ndatclas.cpp. Therefore, it seems registering the values isn’t optional.

Non-RANGE variables are semantically equivalent to static double. They’re simply assigned their value in the definition of the global variable.

CONSTANT variables

These are comparatively simple. In NOCMODL they’re implemented as non-const static doubles. They’re not accessible from HOC/Python (which makes them simple).


In certain versions of NOCMODL around 9.0 and before (and NMODL) it’s possible to change the value of CONSTANT variables. The MOD file will still be considered “thread-safe” (even if it might not be).

What Does CoreNEURON support?

CoreNEURON only supports read-only GLOBAL variables. Anything else needs to be converted to a RANGE variable manually.