
NEURON supports computing the ion currents and ion concentrations. For each segment there can be separate current for separate ions, i.e. one for sodium ions and another for calcium ions.

There are five variables associated with ions: the current (ina), the concentration inside the segment adjacent to the membrane (nai), the concentration outside the segment adjacent to the membrane (nao), the reversal potential (ena) and the derivative if the current w.r.t. the voltage (dinadv). The names should be split as i{na} and therefore refer to the value for sodium, for calcium it would have been ica.

These variables are physical properties of the segment. Therefore, there exists one mechanism per ion. MOD files can include code to read or write these variables.

NDMOL Keywords

A MOD file seeking to use ions should use USEION as follows:

   USEION na READ ina WRITE ena

  ena (mV)
  ina (mA / cm2)

Multiple ions are expressed by one line of USEION per ion.

The {ion_name} is a string giving the ion a name. For sodium it’s na and for calcium ca. If the no other mechanisms have defined an ion with this name a new ion mechanism is created.

Both READ and WRITE are optional and are followed by a comma separated list of ion variable names, e.g. ina, ena.

Keyword: WRITE

Writing Ion Currents

In MOD file one can set the value of ion variables.

  ina = gna*(v - ena)

Semantically, this states that the contribution of the Hodgkin-Huxley model to the overall sodium current in that segment is gna*(v - ena). Since everything is at the level of segment, we’ll not keep repeating “for that segment”. Similarly, each mechanism computes a local contribution, i.e. the contribution due to this mechanism to the actual global ion current.

Therefore, code for the following must be generated:

  1. Compute the local contribution to the sodium current.

  2. Increment the total, local, current contribution by ina.

  3. Increment the global sodium current by ina.

  4. Compute local derivative of ina w.r.t. the voltage.

  5. Increment the global derivative of the sodium current w.r.t. the voltage.

The global current must also be updated as usual. However, this isn’t ion specific and hence omitted.


Each mechanism that specifies USEION na contains a copy of all used ion variables and pointers to the shared values in the ion mechanism, see Figure 1.

The pointer to the variable in the ion mechanism is prefixed with ion_, e.g. during initialization we might copy the shared value *ion_ena[i] to ena[i] (the copy local to the mechanism using the ion).


Figure 1: Ion mechanism for sodium (na) and its use in the Hodgkin-Huxley mechanism. This figure shows the NEURON memory layout.

Optimizing Storage

Since the common pattern is to only access the values of a particular instance, the local copy isn’t needed. I might facilitate SIMD, but it could be replaces by local variables, see Figure 2.


Figure 2: Optimized ion storage layout.

This optimization is implemented in NMODL. It can be activated on the CLI via

nmodl ... codegen --opt-ionvar-copy

Special Case: zero-area nodes

Ions are not defined for nodes that represent a segment with zero area. This means point processes can’t use ions at nodes with surface zero-area. Therefore, this should be asserted in generated code. It also allows converting ion currents to ion current densities by dividing by the area.