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Application Setup

If one wants to run the application locally, it is needed to setup some environment variables first through the CLI or an .env file.

Mandatory environment variables

Here is the list of environment variables that needs to be set up to be able to launch the application:

  • SCHOLARAG__DB__DB_TYPE_: the type of database used to store the articles. One can choose between opensearch or elasticsearch.
  • SCHOLARAG__DB__INDEX_PARAGRAPHS: the name of the index where the articles are stored.
  • SCHOLARAG__DB__HOST: host name of the OS/ES database.
  • SCHOLARAG__DB__PORT: port of the OS/ES database.

Optional environment variables

Here is the list of environment variables that can be set up:

  • SCHOLARAG__DB__INDEX_JOURNALS: the name of the name where the journals are stored.
  • SCHOLARAG__DB__USER: if authentication is needed, specify here the username of the OS/ES database.
  • SCHOLARAG__DB__PASSWORD: if authentication is needed, specify here the password of the given username for the OS/ES database.
  • SCHOLARAG__RETRIEVAL__MAX_LENGTH: maximum length of the documents to keep. By default, the value is 100000.

Model openai is used for the LLM part, here are the environment variables to set up:

  • SCHOLARAG__GENERATIVE__OPENAI__MODEL: OpenAI model to use. By default, the model is gpt-3.5-turbo.
  • SCHOLARAG__GENERATIVE__OPENAI__TEMPERATURE: Temperature of the model. By default, the temperature is 0.
  • SCHOLARAG__GENERATIVE__OPENAI__MAX_TOKENS: Maximum number of tokens for the language model to generate.

If one wants to have a custom prompt template:

  • SCHOLARAG__GENERATIVE__PROMPT_TEMPLATE: Custom prompt template, expect {SOURCES_SEPARATOR} and {ERROR_SEPARATOR}, for more details have a look at the default one present in

To use the cohere reranker, this environment variable needs to be set up:

  • SCHOLARAG__RERANKING__COHERE__TOKEN: the cohere token.

If one wants to include some caching mechanisms:

  • SCHOLARAG__REDIS__HOST: the url of the caching database.
  • SCHOLARAG__REDIS__PORT: the port of the caching database.
  • SCHOLARAG__REDIS__EXPIRY: time in days for the expiration of the caching keys. By default, the value is 30.0.
  • SCHOLARAG__LOGGING__LEVEL: the logging level of the application and the scholarag package logging. By default, the value is info.
  • SCHOLARAG__LOGGING__EXTERNAL_PACKAGES: the logging level of the external packages. By default, the value is warning.
  • SCHOLARAG__METADATA__EXTERNAL_APIS: boolean to decide if there are retrieval of the metadata or not. By default, the value is True.
  • SCHOLARAG__METADATA__TIMEOUT: timeout of the metadata retrieval requests. By default, the value is 30.

Misc variables

  • SCHOLARAG__MISC__APPLICATION_PREFIX: Adds a prefix before every endpoint, which internally is removed by a middleware. Useful for instance for AWS application load balancer when using path_patterns conditions.
  • SCHOLARAG__MISC__CORS_ORIGINS: Specifies the cors origins to allow. Should be a string with comma separated values, i.e. "value_1, value_2, ...".
  • SCHOLARAG__KEYCLOAK__ISSUER: Endpoint to use to check that the Keycloak token is valid.
  • SCHOLARAG__KEYCLOAK__VALIDATE_TOKEN: Boolean to decide if keycloak token should be validated or not.

If ones want to setup sentry, it is also possible via SENTRY_DSN and SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT.