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Response Format

The response format of every parsing endpoint is the same and represents the article with a json schema.

  "title": "This is the title of the article.",
  "authors": [
    "Author 1",
    "Author 2",
    "Author 3"
  "abstract": [
    "This is the paragraph 1 of the abstract.", 
    "This is the paragraph 2 of the abstract."
  "section_paragraphs": [
    ["Section 1", "Paragraph 1"],
    ["Section 2", "Paragraph 2"]
  "pubmed_id": "PUBMED_ID",
  "pmc_id": "PMC_ID",
  "arxiv_id": "ARXIV_ID",
  "doi": "DOI",
  "uid": "UNIQUE_ID",
  "date": "2017-03-01",
  "journal": "JOURNAL",
  "figures": [
    "Figure 1",
    "Figure 2"
  "tables": [
    "Table 1",
    "Table 2"
  "article_type": "Article Type"

Fields properties

Fields parameter Description
title Title of this article.
authors A list of authors.
abstract The list of paragraphs of the abstract for this article.
section_paragraphs The list of paragraphs with their corresponding section name.
pubmed_id A unique identifier used in the PubMed database.
pmc_id A unique identifier used in the PubMed Central (PMC) database.
arxiv_id A unique identifier used in the ArXiv ID database.
doi Digital Object Identifier of this article.
uid Unique identifier of this article given based on the hash of the file.
date Publication date of this article.
journal The journal International Standard Serial Number of the article.
figures Figures list.
tables Tables list.
article_type Type of the article.

Parsing XMLs

Calling the endpoint

All XMLs parsing endpoints are following the same schema. One just needs to specify/change the right schema at the end of the endpoint path.

curl --location 'https://localhost/parse/jats_xml' \
--form 'inp=@"jats_article.xml"'
import requests
import json

url = "https://localhost/parse/jats_xml"

files = [
            open("jats_article.xml", "rb"),

response = requests.request("POST", url, files=files)




If one needs to parse an article following the JATS-XML schema, this is the endpoint that has to be used. This is the case of scientific papers coming from Pubmed Central (PMC).

PubMed XML

If one needs to parse an article following the PubMed schema, this is the endpoint that has to be used. This is the case of scientific papers coming from PubMed. Note that the pubmed xml files contain only the abstract. The field section_paragraphs is going to be empty.


If one needs to parse an article following the TEI-XML schema, this is the endpoint that has to be used. This is the case of scientific papers coming from ArXiv. This is also the schema returned by Grobid server.


If one needs to parse an article following the XOCS-XML schema, this is the endpoint that has to be used. This is the case of scientific papers coming from scopus.

Parsing PDFs

The package contains two endpoints to parse PDFs (PyPDF and Grobid).


Calling the endpoint
curl --location 'https://localhost/parse/pypdf' \
--form 'inp=@"article.pdf"'
import requests
import json

url = "https://localhost/parse/pypdf"

files = [
            open(test_data_path / "test.pdf", "rb"),

# This line is not mandatory, but user can change the chunk_size if wanted.
data = {"chunk_size": 500}
response = requests.request("POST", url, files=files, data=data)


Grobid PDF

Calling the endpoint
curl --location 'https://localhost/parse/grobidpdf' \
--form 'inp=@"article.pdf"'
import requests
import json

url = "https://localhost/parse/grobidpdf"

files = [
            open(test_data_path / "test.pdf", "rb"),
# This line is not mandatory, but user can change the parameters if wanted.
data = {"data": '{"param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"}'}

response = requests.request("POST", url, files=files, data=data)
