Blue Brain BioExplorer
Types.h File Reference
#include <platform/core/common/MathTypes.h>
#include <platform/core/common/utils/EnumUtils.h>
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
Include dependency graph for Types.h:

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struct  core::RenderInput
struct  core::RenderOutput
struct  core::Blob
struct  core::RpcDescription
struct  core::RpcParameterDescription
struct  core::OctreeVector
struct  core::OctreePoint




using int64 = ::int64_t
using uint64 = ::uint64_t
using int32 = ::int32_t
using uint32 = ::uint32_t
using int16 = ::int16_t
using uint16 = ::uint16_t
using int8 = ::int8_t
using uint8 = ::uint8_t
using index_t = ::int64_t
using strings = std::vector< std::string >
using floats = std::vector< float >
using ints = std::vector< int >
using uints = std::vector< unsigned int >
using int8_ts = std::vector< int8_t >
using uint8_ts = std::vector< uint8_t >
using int16_ts = std::vector< int16_t >
using uint16_ts = std::vector< uint16_t >
using int32_ts = std::vector< int32_t >
using uint32_ts = std::vector< uint32_t >
using int64_ts = std::vector< int64_t >
using uint64_ts = std::vector< uint64_t >
using size_ts = std::vector< size_t >
using StringMap = std::map< std::string, std::string >
using Color = core::Vector3d
using Palette = std::vector< Color >
using Quaternions = std::vector< core::Quaterniond >
using bools = std::vector< bool >
using doubles = std::vector< double >
using Vector3ds = std::vector< core::Vector3d >
using Vector3dm = std::map< uint64_t, core::Vector3d >
using Vector4ds = std::vector< core::Vector4d >
using Vector2uis = std::vector< core::Vector2ui >
using Vector3uis = std::vector< core::Vector3ui >
using uint8_tm = std::map< uint64_t, uint8_t >
using uint64_tm = std::map< uint64_t, uint64_t >
using CommandLineArguments = std::map< std::string, std::string >
using core::ActionInterfacePtr = std::shared_ptr< ActionInterface >
using core::EnginePtr = std::shared_ptr< Engine >
using core::ScenePtr = std::shared_ptr< Scene >
using core::CameraPtr = std::shared_ptr< Camera >
using core::RendererPtr = std::shared_ptr< Renderer >
using core::FrameBufferPtr = std::shared_ptr< FrameBuffer >
using core::ModelPtr = std::unique_ptr< Model >
using core::ModelMetadata = std::map< std::string, std::string >
using core::Transformations = std::vector< Transformation >
using core::ModelDescriptorPtr = std::shared_ptr< ModelDescriptor >
using core::ModelDescriptors = std::vector< ModelDescriptorPtr >
using core::ModelInstances = std::vector< ModelInstance >
using core::MaterialPtr = std::shared_ptr< Material >
using core::MaterialMap = std::map< size_t, MaterialPtr >
using core::ClipPlanePtr = std::shared_ptr< ClipPlane >
using core::ClipPlanes = std::vector< ClipPlanePtr >
using core::Spheres = std::vector< Sphere >
using core::SpheresMap = std::map< size_t, Spheres >
using core::Cylinders = std::vector< Cylinder >
using core::CylindersMap = std::map< size_t, Cylinders >
using core::Cones = std::vector< Cone >
using core::ConesMap = std::map< size_t, Cones >
using core::TriangleMeshMap = std::map< size_t, TriangleMesh >
using core::StreamlinesDataMap = std::map< size_t, StreamlinesData >
using core::Curves = std::vector< Curve >
using core::CurvesMap = std::map< size_t, Curves >
using core::FieldPtr = std::shared_ptr< Field >
using core::FieldsMap = std::map< size_t, FieldPtr >
using core::VolumePtr = std::shared_ptr< Volume >
using core::SharedDataVolumePtr = std::shared_ptr< SharedDataVolume >
using core::BrickedVolumePtr = std::shared_ptr< BrickedVolume >
using core::VolumesMap = std::map< size_t, VolumePtr >
using core::Texture2DPtr = std::shared_ptr< Texture2D >
using core::TexturesMap = std::map< std::string, Texture2DPtr >
using core::LightPtr = std::shared_ptr< Light >
using core::Lights = std::vector< LightPtr >
using core::DirectionalLightPtr = std::shared_ptr< DirectionalLight >
using core::SphereLightPtr = std::shared_ptr< SphereLight >
using core::QuadLightPtr = std::shared_ptr< QuadLight >
using core::SpotLightPtr = std::shared_ptr< SpotLight >
using core::AbstractSimulationHandlerPtr = std::shared_ptr< AbstractSimulationHandler >
using core::Plane = std::array< double, 4 >
using core::Planes = std::vector< Plane >
using core::TaskPtr = std::shared_ptr< AbstractTask >
using core::LoaderPtr = std::unique_ptr< Loader >
using core::OctreeVectors = std::vector< OctreeVector >
using core::OctreePoints = std::vector< OctreePoint >


enum class  core::FrameBufferFormat {
  core::rgba_i8 , core::bgra_i8 , core::rgb_i8 , core::rgb_f32 ,
enum class  core::AccumulationType { core::linear = 0 , core::ai_denoised = 1 }
enum class  core::GeometryQuality { core::low , core::medium , core::high }
enum class  core::TextureType : uint8_t {
  core::diffuse = 0 , core::normals , core::bump , core::specular ,
  core::emissive , core::opacity , core::reflection , core::refraction ,
  core::occlusion , core::radiance , core::irradiance , core::brdf_lut ,
  core::volume , core::transfer_function , core::octree_indices , core::octree_values
enum class  core::MemoryMode { core::shared , core::replicated }
enum class  core::MaterialsColorMap { core::random , core::shades_of_grey , core::gradient , core::pastel }
enum class  core::CameraMode { core::flying , core::inspect }
enum class  core::DataType {
  core::FLOAT , core::DOUBLE , core::UINT8 , core::UINT16 ,
  core::UINT32 , core::INT8 , core::INT16 , core::INT32
enum class  core::Execution { core::sync , core::async }
enum class  core::BVHFlag { core::dynamic , core::compact , core::robust }


std::vector< std::pair< std::string, GeometryQuality > > core::enumMap ()

Typedef Documentation

◆ bools

using bools = std::vector<bool>

Definition at line 61 of file Types.h.

◆ Color

Definition at line 58 of file Types.h.

◆ CommandLineArguments

using CommandLineArguments = std::map<std::string, std::string>

Definition at line 74 of file Types.h.

◆ doubles

using doubles = std::vector<double>

Definition at line 62 of file Types.h.

◆ floats

using floats = std::vector<float>

Definition at line 45 of file Types.h.

◆ index_t

using index_t = ::int64_t

Definition at line 43 of file Types.h.

◆ int16

using int16 = ::int16_t

Definition at line 39 of file Types.h.

◆ int16_ts

using int16_ts = std::vector<int16_t>

Definition at line 50 of file Types.h.

◆ int32

using int32 = ::int32_t

Definition at line 37 of file Types.h.

◆ int32_ts

using int32_ts = std::vector<int32_t>

Definition at line 52 of file Types.h.

◆ int64

using int64 = ::int64_t

Definition at line 35 of file Types.h.

◆ int64_ts

using int64_ts = std::vector<int64_t>

Definition at line 54 of file Types.h.

◆ int8

using int8 = ::int8_t

Definition at line 41 of file Types.h.

◆ int8_ts

using int8_ts = std::vector<int8_t>

Definition at line 48 of file Types.h.

◆ ints

using ints = std::vector<int>

Definition at line 46 of file Types.h.

◆ Palette

Definition at line 59 of file Types.h.

◆ Quaternions

Definition at line 60 of file Types.h.

◆ size_ts

using size_ts = std::vector<size_t>

Definition at line 56 of file Types.h.

◆ StringMap

using StringMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>

Definition at line 57 of file Types.h.

◆ strings

typedef std::vector< std::string > strings

Definition at line 44 of file Types.h.

◆ uint16

using uint16 = ::uint16_t

Definition at line 40 of file Types.h.

◆ uint16_ts

using uint16_ts = std::vector<uint16_t>

Definition at line 51 of file Types.h.

◆ uint32

using uint32 = ::uint32_t

Definition at line 38 of file Types.h.

◆ uint32_ts

typedef std::vector< uint32_t > uint32_ts

Definition at line 53 of file Types.h.

◆ uint64

using uint64 = ::uint64_t

Definition at line 36 of file Types.h.

◆ uint64_tm

using uint64_tm = std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>

Definition at line 73 of file Types.h.

◆ uint64_ts

typedef std::vector< uint64_t > uint64_ts

Definition at line 55 of file Types.h.

◆ uint8

using uint8 = ::uint8_t

Definition at line 42 of file Types.h.

◆ uint8_tm

using uint8_tm = std::map<uint64_t, uint8_t>

Definition at line 70 of file Types.h.

◆ uint8_ts

typedef std::vector< uint8_t > uint8_ts

Definition at line 49 of file Types.h.

◆ uints

using uints = std::vector<unsigned int>

Definition at line 47 of file Types.h.

◆ Vector2uis

Definition at line 67 of file Types.h.

◆ Vector3dm

using Vector3dm = std::map<uint64_t, core::Vector3d>

Definition at line 65 of file Types.h.

◆ Vector3ds

Definition at line 64 of file Types.h.

◆ Vector3uis

Definition at line 68 of file Types.h.

◆ Vector4ds

Definition at line 66 of file Types.h.