HighFive 2.10.1
HighFive - Header-only C++ HDF5 interface
NH5Easy | |
▼NHighFive | |
▼Ndeprecated | |
CFixedLenStringArray | A structure representing a set of fixed-length strings |
CAllocationTime | When are datasets allocated? |
CAnnotateTraits | |
CAtomicType | Create an HDF5 DataType from a C++ type |
CAtomicType< char[StrLen]> | |
CAtomicType< deprecated::FixedLenStringArray< StrLen > > | |
CAtomicType< std::complex< T > > | |
CAttribute | Class representing an Attribute of a DataSet or Group |
CAttributeException | Exception specific to HighFive Attribute interface |
CAttributePhaseChange | Set threshold for attribute storage |
CCaching | |
CChunking | |
▼CCompoundType | Create a compound HDF5 datatype |
Cmember_def | Use for defining a sub-type of compound type |
CCreateIntermediateGroup | |
CCreationOrder | |
CDataSet | Class representing a dataset |
CDataSetException | Exception specific to HighFive DataSet interface |
CDataSpace | Class representing the space (dimensions) of a DataSet |
CDataSpaceException | Exception specific to HighFive DataSpace interface |
CDataType | HDF5 Data Type |
CDataTypeException | Exception specific to HighFive DataType interface |
CDeflate | |
CElementSet | |
▼CEnumType | Create a enum HDF5 datatype |
Cmember_def | Use for defining a member of enum type |
CEstimatedLinkInfo | Set hints as to how many links to expect and their average length |
CException | Basic HighFive Exception class |
CFile | File class |
CFileDriver | File driver base concept |
CFileException | Exception specific to HighFive File interface |
CFileVersionBounds | Configure the version bounds for the file |
CFixedLengthStringType | |
CGroup | Represents an hdf5 group |
CGroupException | Exception specific to HighFive Group interface |
CHDF5ErrMapper | |
CHyperSlab | |
CLinkCreationOrder | Track and index creation order time |
CLogger | A logger with supporting basic functionality |
CMetadataBlockSize | Configure the metadata block size to use writing to files |
CMPIOFileAccess | Configure MPI access for the file |
CMPIOFileDriver | MPIIO Driver for Parallel HDF5 |
CMpioNoCollectiveCause | The cause for non-collective I/O |
CNodeTraits | NodeTraits: Base class for Group and File |
CObject | |
CObjectException | Exception specific to HighFive Object interface |
CObjectInfo | A class for accessing hdf5 objects info |
CPathTraits | |
CPropertyException | Exception specific to HighFive Property interface |
CPropertyList | HDF5 property Lists |
CPropertyListBase | Base Class for Property lists, providing global default |
CRawPropertyList | |
CReference | An HDF5 (object) reference type |
CReferenceException | Exception specific to HighFive Reference interface |
CRegularHyperSlab | |
CSelection | Selection: represent a view on a slice/part of a dataset |
CShuffle | |
CSilenceHDF5 | Utility class to disable HDF5 stack printing inside a scope |
CSliceTraits | |
CStringType | |
CSzip | |
CUseCollectiveIO | |
CVariableLengthStringType |