Blue Brain BioExplorer
core::Model Class Referenceabstract

The abstract Model class holds the geometry attached to an asset of the scene (mesh, circuit, volume, etc). The model handles resources attached to the geometry such as implementation specific classes, and acceleration structures). Models provide a simple API to manipulate primitives (spheres, cylinders, triangle meshes, etc). More...

#include <Model.h>

Inheritance diagram for core::Model:
Collaboration diagram for core::Model:


struct  Geometries

Public Member Functions

PLATFORM_API Model (AnimationParameters &animationParameters, VolumeParameters &volumeParameters, GeometryParameters &geometryParameters, FieldParameters &fieldParameters)
 Constructor for Model class. More...
virtual PLATFORM_API ~Model ()
 Virtual destructor for Model class. More...
virtual PLATFORM_API void commitGeometry ()=0
 Pure virtual function to commit geometry. More...
PLATFORM_API bool commitTransferFunction ()
 Function to commit transfer function. More...
PLATFORM_API bool commitSimulationData ()
 Function to commit simulation data. More...
PLATFORM_API MaterialPtr createMaterial (const size_t materialId, const std::string &name, const PropertyMap &properties={})
 Factory method to create an engine-specific material. More...
virtual PLATFORM_API SharedDataVolumePtr createSharedDataVolume (const Vector3ui &dimensions, const Vector3f &spacing, const DataType type)=0
 Create a volume with the given dimensions, voxel spacing and data type where the voxels are set via setVoxels() from any memory location. More...
virtual PLATFORM_API BrickedVolumePtr createBrickedVolume (const Vector3ui &dimensions, const Vector3f &spacing, const DataType type)=0
 Create a volume with the given dimensions, voxel spacing and data type where the voxels are copied via setBrick() into an optimized internal storage. More...
virtual PLATFORM_API FieldPtr createField (const Vector3ui &dimensions, const Vector3f &spacing, const Vector3f &offset, const uint32_ts &indices, const floats &values, const OctreeDataType dataType)=0
 Create a computed field with the given dimensions, voxel spacing and data type. More...
virtual PLATFORM_API void buildBoundingBox ()=0
 Pure virtual function to build bounding box. More...
PLATFORM_API bool empty () const
PLATFORM_API bool isDirty () const
PLATFORM_API const BoxdgetBounds () const
 Returns the bounds for the Model. More...
void mergeBounds (const Boxd &bounds)
 Merges model bounds with the given bounds. More...
PLATFORM_API const SpheresMapgetSpheres () const
 Returns spheres handled by the Model. More...
PLATFORM_API SpheresMapgetSpheres ()
PLATFORM_API uint64_t addSphere (const size_t materialId, const Sphere &sphere)
 Adds a sphere to the model. More...
PLATFORM_API const CylindersMapgetCylinders () const
 Returns cylinders handled by the model. More...
PLATFORM_API CylindersMapgetCylinders ()
PLATFORM_API uint64_t addCylinder (const size_t materialId, const Cylinder &cylinder)
 Adds a cylinder to the model. More...
PLATFORM_API const ConesMapgetCones () const
 Returns cones handled by the model. More...
PLATFORM_API ConesMapgetCones ()
PLATFORM_API uint64_t addCone (const size_t materialId, const Cone &cone)
 Adds a cone to the model. More...
PLATFORM_API void addStreamline (const size_t materialId, const Streamline &streamline)
 Adds a streamline to the model. More...
PLATFORM_API const StreamlinesDataMapgetStreamlines () const
 Returns streamlines handled by the model. More...
PLATFORM_API StreamlinesDataMapgetStreamlines ()
PLATFORM_API void addCurve (const size_t materialId, const Curve &curve)
 Adds a curve to the model. More...
PLATFORM_API const CurvesMapgetCurves () const
 Returns curves handled by the model. More...
PLATFORM_API CurvesMapgetCurves ()
PLATFORM_API uint64_t addSDFGeometry (const size_t materialId, const SDFGeometry &geom, const uint64_ts &neighbourIndices)
 Adds an SDFGeometry to the scene. More...
PLATFORM_API const SDFGeometryDatagetSDFGeometryData () const
 Returns SDF geometry data handled by the model. More...
PLATFORM_API SDFGeometryDatagetSDFGeometryData ()
PLATFORM_API void updateSDFGeometryNeighbours (size_t geometryIdx, const uint64_ts &neighbourIndices)
 Update the list of neighbours for an SDF geometry. More...
PLATFORM_API const TriangleMeshMapgetTriangleMeshes () const
PLATFORM_API TriangleMeshMapgetTriangleMeshes ()
PLATFORM_API void addVolume (const size_t materialId, VolumePtr)
 Add a volume to the model. More...
PLATFORM_API void addField (const size_t materialId, FieldPtr)
 Add a field to the model. More...
PLATFORM_API void removeVolume (const size_t materialId)
 Remove a volume from the model. More...
PLATFORM_API void logInformation ()
 Logs information about the model, like the number of primitives, and the associated memory footprint. More...
PLATFORM_API void setMaterialsColorMap (const MaterialsColorMap colorMap)
 Sets the materials handled by the model, and available to the geometry. More...
PLATFORM_API const MaterialMapgetMaterials () const
 Returns a reference to the map of materials handled by the model. More...
PLATFORM_API MaterialPtr getMaterial (const size_t materialId) const
 Returns a pointer to a specific material. More...
PLATFORM_API TransferFunctiongetTransferFunction ()
 Returns the transfer function used for volumes and simulations. More...
PLATFORM_API const TransferFunctiongetTransferFunction () const
 Returns the transfer function used for volumes and simulations. More...
PLATFORM_API AbstractSimulationHandlerPtr getSimulationHandler () const
 Returns the simulation handler. More...
PLATFORM_API void setSimulationHandler (AbstractSimulationHandlerPtr handler)
 Sets the simulation handler. More...
PLATFORM_API size_t getSizeInBytes () const
 Returns the size in bytes of all geometries. More...
PLATFORM_API void markInstancesDirty ()
 Marks the instances as dirty. More...
PLATFORM_API void markInstancesClean ()
 Marks the instances as clean. More...
PLATFORM_API const VolumesMapgetVolumes () const
 Returns a const reference to the list of volumes. More...
PLATFORM_API bool isVolumesDirty () const
 Returns whether the volumes are dirty. More...
PLATFORM_API void resetVolumesDirty ()
 Resets the dirty status of the volumes. More...
PLATFORM_API void setBVHFlags (std::set< BVHFlag > bvhFlags)
 Sets the BVH flags. More...
PLATFORM_API const std::set< BVHFlag > & getBVHFlags () const
 Gets the BVH flags. More...
PLATFORM_API void updateBounds ()
 Updates the bounds of the geometries. More...
PLATFORM_API void copyFrom (const Model &rhs)
 Copies the model data from another model. More...
PLATFORM_API void applyDefaultColormap ()
 Applies a default color map (rainbow) to the model. More...

Protected Member Functions

void _updateSizeInBytes ()
virtual PLATFORM_API MaterialPtr createMaterialImpl (const PropertyMap &properties={})=0
void _markGeometriesClean ()
virtual void _commitTransferFunctionImpl (const Vector3fs &colors, const floats &opacities, const Vector2d valueRange)=0
virtual void _commitSimulationDataImpl (const float *frameData, const size_t frameSize)=0
bool _areGeometriesDirty () const

Protected Attributes

AbstractSimulationHandlerPtr _simulationHandler
TransferFunction _transferFunction
MaterialMap _materials
std::shared_ptr< Geometries_geometries {std::make_shared<Geometries>()}
bool _spheresDirty {false}
bool _cylindersDirty {false}
bool _conesDirty {false}
bool _triangleMeshesDirty {false}
bool _streamlinesDirty {false}
bool _sdfGeometriesDirty {false}
bool _volumesDirty {false}
bool _curvesDirty {false}
bool _fieldsDirty {false}
Boxd _bounds
bool _instancesDirty {true}
std::set< BVHFlag_bvhFlags
size_t _sizeInBytes {0}
bool _isReadyCallbackSet {false}

Detailed Description

The abstract Model class holds the geometry attached to an asset of the scene (mesh, circuit, volume, etc). The model handles resources attached to the geometry such as implementation specific classes, and acceleration structures). Models provide a simple API to manipulate primitives (spheres, cylinders, triangle meshes, etc).

Definition at line 468 of file Model.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Model()

core::Model::Model ( AnimationParameters animationParameters,
VolumeParameters volumeParameters,
GeometryParameters geometryParameters,
FieldParameters fieldParameters 

Constructor for Model class.

animationParametersParameters for animation
volumeParametersParameters for volume

Definition at line 199 of file Model.cpp.

◆ ~Model()

core::Model::~Model ( )

Virtual destructor for Model class.

Definition at line 208 of file Model.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _areGeometriesDirty()

bool core::Model::_areGeometriesDirty ( ) const

Definition at line 895 of file Model.h.

◆ _commitSimulationDataImpl()

virtual void core::Model::_commitSimulationDataImpl ( const float *  frameData,
const size_t  frameSize 
protectedpure virtual

◆ _commitTransferFunctionImpl()

virtual void core::Model::_commitTransferFunctionImpl ( const Vector3fs colors,
const floats opacities,
const Vector2d  valueRange 
protectedpure virtual

◆ _markGeometriesClean()

void core::Model::_markGeometriesClean ( )

Mark all geometries as clean.

Definition at line 612 of file Model.cpp.

◆ _updateSizeInBytes()

void core::Model::_updateSizeInBytes ( )

Definition at line 443 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addCone()

uint64_t core::Model::addCone ( const size_t  materialId,
const Cone cone 

Adds a cone to the model.

materialIdID of material
coneCone to add
Index of cone for the specified material

Definition at line 233 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addCurve()

void core::Model::addCurve ( const size_t  materialId,
const Curve curve 

Adds a curve to the model.

materialIdID of material
curveCurve to add

Definition at line 270 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addCylinder()

uint64_t core::Model::addCylinder ( const size_t  materialId,
const Cylinder cylinder 

Adds a cylinder to the model.

materialIdID of material
cylinderCylinder to add
Index of cylinder for the specified material

Definition at line 226 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addField()

void core::Model::addField ( const size_t  materialId,
FieldPtr  field 

Add a field to the model.

materialIdID of material
volumePointer to field to add

Definition at line 312 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addSDFGeometry()

uint64_t core::Model::addSDFGeometry ( const size_t  materialId,
const SDFGeometry geom,
const uint64_ts neighbourIndices 

Adds an SDFGeometry to the scene.

materialIdID of material
geomGeometry to add
neighbourIndicesGlobal indices of the geometries to smoothly blend together with
Global index of the geometry

Definition at line 290 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addSphere()

uint64_t core::Model::addSphere ( const size_t  materialId,
const Sphere sphere 

Adds a sphere to the model.

materialIdID of material
sphereSphere to add
Index of sphere for the specified material

Definition at line 219 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addStreamline()

void core::Model::addStreamline ( const size_t  materialId,
const Streamline streamline 

Adds a streamline to the model.

materialIdID of material
streamlineStreamline to add

Definition at line 240 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addVolume()

void core::Model::addVolume ( const size_t  materialId,
VolumePtr  volume 

Add a volume to the model.

materialIdID of material
volumePointer to volume to add

Definition at line 306 of file Model.cpp.

◆ applyDefaultColormap()

void core::Model::applyDefaultColormap ( )

Applies a default color map (rainbow) to the model.

Definition at line 696 of file Model.cpp.

◆ buildBoundingBox()

virtual PLATFORM_API void core::Model::buildBoundingBox ( )
pure virtual

Pure virtual function to build bounding box.

Implemented in core::engine::ospray::OSPRayModel, and core::engine::optix::OptiXModel.

◆ commitGeometry()

virtual PLATFORM_API void core::Model::commitGeometry ( )
pure virtual

Pure virtual function to commit geometry.

Implemented in core::engine::ospray::OSPRayModel, and core::engine::optix::OptiXModel.

◆ commitSimulationData()

bool core::Model::commitSimulationData ( )

Function to commit simulation data.

True if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 667 of file Model.cpp.

◆ commitTransferFunction()

bool core::Model::commitTransferFunction ( )

Function to commit transfer function.

True if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 655 of file Model.cpp.

◆ copyFrom()

void core::Model::copyFrom ( const Model rhs)

Copies the model data from another model.

rhsThe model to copy the data from

Definition at line 476 of file Model.cpp.

◆ createBrickedVolume()

virtual PLATFORM_API BrickedVolumePtr core::Model::createBrickedVolume ( const Vector3ui dimensions,
const Vector3f spacing,
const DataType  type 
pure virtual

Create a volume with the given dimensions, voxel spacing and data type where the voxels are copied via setBrick() into an optimized internal storage.

dimensionsDimensions of volume
spacingSpacing of volume
typeData type of volume
Pointer to created BrickedVolume

Implemented in core::engine::ospray::OSPRayModel, and core::engine::optix::OptiXModel.

◆ createField()

virtual PLATFORM_API FieldPtr core::Model::createField ( const Vector3ui dimensions,
const Vector3f spacing,
const Vector3f offset,
const uint32_ts indices,
const floats values,
const OctreeDataType  dataType 
pure virtual

Create a computed field with the given dimensions, voxel spacing and data type.

Pointer to created field

Implemented in core::engine::ospray::OSPRayModel, and core::engine::optix::OptiXModel.

◆ createMaterial()

MaterialPtr core::Model::createMaterial ( const size_t  materialId,
const std::string &  name,
const PropertyMap properties = {} 

Factory method to create an engine-specific material.

materialIdID of material
nameName of material
propertiesProperties of material
Pointer to created material

Definition at line 625 of file Model.cpp.

◆ createMaterialImpl()

virtual PLATFORM_API MaterialPtr core::Model::createMaterialImpl ( const PropertyMap properties = {})
protectedpure virtual

Factory method to create an engine-specific material.

Implemented in core::engine::optix::OptiXModel.

◆ createSharedDataVolume()

virtual PLATFORM_API SharedDataVolumePtr core::Model::createSharedDataVolume ( const Vector3ui dimensions,
const Vector3f spacing,
const DataType  type 
pure virtual

Create a volume with the given dimensions, voxel spacing and data type where the voxels are set via setVoxels() from any memory location.

dimensionsDimensions of volume
spacingSpacing of volume
typeData type of volume
Pointer to created SharedDataVolume

Implemented in core::engine::ospray::OSPRayModel, and core::engine::optix::OptiXModel.

◆ empty()

bool core::Model::empty ( ) const
True if the geometry Model does not contain any geometry, false otherwise

Definition at line 214 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getBounds()

PLATFORM_API const Boxd& core::Model::getBounds ( ) const

Returns the bounds for the Model.

Bounds of Model

Definition at line 560 of file Model.h.

◆ getBVHFlags()

PLATFORM_API const std::set<BVHFlag>& core::Model::getBVHFlags ( ) const

Gets the BVH flags.

const std::set<BVHFlag>& The BVH flags

Definition at line 810 of file Model.h.

◆ getCones() [1/2]

PLATFORM_API ConesMap& core::Model::getCones ( )

Definition at line 611 of file Model.h.

◆ getCones() [2/2]

PLATFORM_API const ConesMap& core::Model::getCones ( ) const

Returns cones handled by the model.

Map of Cones

Definition at line 610 of file Model.h.

◆ getCurves() [1/2]

PLATFORM_API CurvesMap& core::Model::getCurves ( )

Definition at line 655 of file Model.h.

◆ getCurves() [2/2]

PLATFORM_API const CurvesMap& core::Model::getCurves ( ) const

Returns curves handled by the model.

Map of Curves

Definition at line 654 of file Model.h.

◆ getCylinders() [1/2]

PLATFORM_API CylindersMap& core::Model::getCylinders ( )

Definition at line 592 of file Model.h.

◆ getCylinders() [2/2]

PLATFORM_API const CylindersMap& core::Model::getCylinders ( ) const

Returns cylinders handled by the model.

Map of Cylinders

Definition at line 591 of file Model.h.

◆ getMaterial()

MaterialPtr core::Model::getMaterial ( const size_t  materialId) const

Returns a pointer to a specific material.

materialIdThe ID of the material
MaterialPtr A pointer to the material

Definition at line 435 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getMaterials()

PLATFORM_API const MaterialMap& core::Model::getMaterials ( ) const

Returns a reference to the map of materials handled by the model.

const MaterialMap& The map of materials handled by the model

Definition at line 735 of file Model.h.

◆ getSDFGeometryData() [1/2]

PLATFORM_API SDFGeometryData& core::Model::getSDFGeometryData ( )

Definition at line 676 of file Model.h.

◆ getSDFGeometryData() [2/2]

PLATFORM_API const SDFGeometryData& core::Model::getSDFGeometryData ( ) const

Returns SDF geometry data handled by the model.

SDF geometry data

Definition at line 675 of file Model.h.

◆ getSimulationHandler()

AbstractSimulationHandlerPtr core::Model::getSimulationHandler ( ) const

Returns the simulation handler.

AbstractSimulationHandlerPtr The simulation handler

Definition at line 650 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getSizeInBytes()

size_t core::Model::getSizeInBytes ( ) const

Returns the size in bytes of all geometries.

size_t The size in bytes of all geometries

Definition at line 642 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getSpheres() [1/2]

PLATFORM_API SpheresMap& core::Model::getSpheres ( )

Definition at line 573 of file Model.h.

◆ getSpheres() [2/2]

PLATFORM_API const SpheresMap& core::Model::getSpheres ( ) const

Returns spheres handled by the Model.

Map of Spheres

Definition at line 572 of file Model.h.

◆ getStreamlines() [1/2]

PLATFORM_API StreamlinesDataMap& core::Model::getStreamlines ( )

Definition at line 637 of file Model.h.

◆ getStreamlines() [2/2]

PLATFORM_API const StreamlinesDataMap& core::Model::getStreamlines ( ) const

Returns streamlines handled by the model.

Map of Streamlines

Definition at line 636 of file Model.h.

◆ getTransferFunction() [1/2]

PLATFORM_API TransferFunction& core::Model::getTransferFunction ( )

Returns the transfer function used for volumes and simulations.

TransferFunction& The transfer function used for volumes and simulations

Definition at line 748 of file Model.h.

◆ getTransferFunction() [2/2]

PLATFORM_API const TransferFunction& core::Model::getTransferFunction ( ) const

Returns the transfer function used for volumes and simulations.

const TransferFunction& The transfer function used for volumes and simulations

Definition at line 753 of file Model.h.

◆ getTriangleMeshes() [1/2]

PLATFORM_API TriangleMeshMap& core::Model::getTriangleMeshes ( )

Definition at line 694 of file Model.h.

◆ getTriangleMeshes() [2/2]

PLATFORM_API const TriangleMeshMap& core::Model::getTriangleMeshes ( ) const

Returns triangle meshes handled by the model

Map of TriangleMeshes

Definition at line 693 of file Model.h.

◆ getVolumes()

PLATFORM_API const VolumesMap& core::Model::getVolumes ( ) const

Returns a const reference to the list of volumes.

const Volumes& The list of volumes

Definition at line 787 of file Model.h.

◆ isDirty()

bool core::Model::isDirty ( ) const
true if the geometry Model is dirty, false otherwise

Definition at line 328 of file Model.cpp.

◆ isVolumesDirty()

PLATFORM_API bool core::Model::isVolumesDirty ( ) const

Returns whether the volumes are dirty.

bool Whether the volumes are dirty

Definition at line 793 of file Model.h.

◆ logInformation()

void core::Model::logInformation ( )

Logs information about the model, like the number of primitives, and the associated memory footprint.

Definition at line 413 of file Model.cpp.

◆ markInstancesClean()

PLATFORM_API void core::Model::markInstancesClean ( )

Marks the instances as clean.

Definition at line 781 of file Model.h.

◆ markInstancesDirty()

PLATFORM_API void core::Model::markInstancesDirty ( )

Marks the instances as dirty.

Definition at line 776 of file Model.h.

◆ mergeBounds()

void core::Model::mergeBounds ( const Boxd bounds)

Merges model bounds with the given bounds.

boundsBounds to merge

Definition at line 566 of file Model.h.

◆ removeVolume()

void core::Model::removeVolume ( const size_t  materialId)

Remove a volume from the model.

materialIdID of material

Definition at line 318 of file Model.cpp.

◆ resetVolumesDirty()

PLATFORM_API void core::Model::resetVolumesDirty ( )

Resets the dirty status of the volumes.

Definition at line 798 of file Model.h.

◆ setBVHFlags()

PLATFORM_API void core::Model::setBVHFlags ( std::set< BVHFlag bvhFlags)

Sets the BVH flags.

bvhFlagsThe BVH flags to set

Definition at line 804 of file Model.h.

◆ setMaterialsColorMap()

void core::Model::setMaterialsColorMap ( const MaterialsColorMap  colorMap)

Sets the materials handled by the model, and available to the geometry.

colorMapSpecifies the algorithm that is used to create the materials

Definition at line 333 of file Model.cpp.

◆ setSimulationHandler()

void core::Model::setSimulationHandler ( AbstractSimulationHandlerPtr  handler)

Sets the simulation handler.

handlerThe simulation handler

Definition at line 634 of file Model.cpp.

◆ updateBounds()

void core::Model::updateBounds ( )

Updates the bounds of the geometries.

Definition at line 509 of file Model.cpp.

◆ updateSDFGeometryNeighbours()

void core::Model::updateSDFGeometryNeighbours ( size_t  geometryIdx,
const uint64_ts neighbourIndices 

Update the list of neighbours for an SDF geometry.

geometryIdxIndex of the geometry
neighbourIndicesGlobal indices of the geometries to smoothly blend together with

Definition at line 300 of file Model.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _animationParameters

AnimationParameters& core::Model::_animationParameters

Definition at line 841 of file Model.h.

◆ _bounds

Boxd core::Model::_bounds

Definition at line 901 of file Model.h.

◆ _bvhFlags

std::set<BVHFlag> core::Model::_bvhFlags

Definition at line 903 of file Model.h.

◆ _conesDirty

bool core::Model::_conesDirty {false}

Definition at line 887 of file Model.h.

◆ _curvesDirty

bool core::Model::_curvesDirty {false}

Definition at line 892 of file Model.h.

◆ _cylindersDirty

bool core::Model::_cylindersDirty {false}

Definition at line 886 of file Model.h.

◆ _fieldParameters

FieldParameters& core::Model::_fieldParameters

Definition at line 844 of file Model.h.

◆ _fieldsDirty

bool core::Model::_fieldsDirty {false}

Definition at line 893 of file Model.h.

◆ _geometries

std::shared_ptr<Geometries> core::Model::_geometries {std::make_shared<Geometries>()}

Definition at line 883 of file Model.h.

◆ _geometryParameters

GeometryParameters& core::Model::_geometryParameters

Definition at line 843 of file Model.h.

◆ _instancesDirty

bool core::Model::_instancesDirty {true}

Definition at line 902 of file Model.h.

◆ _isReadyCallbackSet

bool core::Model::_isReadyCallbackSet {false}

Definition at line 907 of file Model.h.

◆ _materials

MaterialMap core::Model::_materials

Definition at line 849 of file Model.h.

◆ _sdfGeometriesDirty

bool core::Model::_sdfGeometriesDirty {false}

Definition at line 890 of file Model.h.

◆ _simulationHandler

AbstractSimulationHandlerPtr core::Model::_simulationHandler

Definition at line 846 of file Model.h.

◆ _sizeInBytes

size_t core::Model::_sizeInBytes {0}

Definition at line 904 of file Model.h.

◆ _spheresDirty

bool core::Model::_spheresDirty {false}

Definition at line 885 of file Model.h.

◆ _streamlinesDirty

bool core::Model::_streamlinesDirty {false}

Definition at line 889 of file Model.h.

◆ _transferFunction

TransferFunction core::Model::_transferFunction

Definition at line 847 of file Model.h.

◆ _triangleMeshesDirty

bool core::Model::_triangleMeshesDirty {false}

Definition at line 888 of file Model.h.

◆ _volumeParameters

VolumeParameters& core::Model::_volumeParameters

Definition at line 842 of file Model.h.

◆ _volumesDirty

bool core::Model::_volumesDirty {false}

Definition at line 891 of file Model.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: