Blue Brain BioExplorer
BaseWindow.cpp File Reference
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void core::runGLUT ()
void core::initGLUT (int *ac, const char **av)
 dedicated namespace for 3D glut viewer widget More...
void core::glut3dReshape (int x, int y)
void core::glut3dDisplay (void)
void core::glut3dKeyboard (unsigned char key, int x, int y)
void core::glut3dSpecial (int key, int x, int y)
void core::glut3dIdle (void)
void core::glut3dMotionFunc (int x, int y)
void core::glut3dMouseFunc (int whichButton, int released, int x, int y)
void core::glut3dPassiveMouseFunc (int x, int y)


uint64_t core::currentFrame = 0
uint64_t core::maxFrame = 0