Blue Brain BioExplorer
bioexplorer::common Namespace Reference


class  Assembly
 The Assembly class is a container for biological entities (proteins, membranes, sugars, etc.) More...
class  GeneralSettings
 GeneralSettings is a singleton class that holds general settings for the plugin. More...
class  Node
 The Node class. More...
class  SDFGeometries
 The SDFGeometries abstract class is used as a parent to any assembly that potentially requires the signed-distance field technique. More...
class  BezierShape
class  CubeShape
class  FanShape
class  HelixShape
class  MeshShape
class  PlaneShape
class  PointShape
class  RNAShape
class  Shape
 The shape class allows the creation of 3D shapes generated by a number of element instances. Shapes can be a sphere, a cube, based on a mesh, etc. Elements are molecules loaded from PDB files. More...
class  SinusoidShape
class  SphereShape
class  SphericalCellDiffusionShape
class  ThreadSafeContainer
 The ThreadSafeContainer class is used to load large datasets in parallel. Every individual element is loaded in a separate thread and eventualy merged into a single Core model. More...
struct  GeometryNode
struct  SDFMorphologyData
struct  SimulationReport
class  UniqueId
 The UniqueID class provides a way to get a unique identifier accross the application. More...


using NodePtr = std::shared_ptr< Node >
using NodeMap = std::map< std::string, NodePtr >
typedef std::shared_ptr< RNAShapeRNAShapePtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< ShapeShapePtr
using MaterialSet = std::set< size_t >
using Neighbours = std::set< size_t >
using AssemblyPtr = std::shared_ptr< Assembly >
using AssemblyMap = std::map< std::string, AssemblyPtr >
using AssemblyConstraint = std::pair< AssemblyConstraintType, AssemblyPtr >
using AssemblyConstraints = std::vector< AssemblyConstraint >
using GeometryNodes = std::map< uint64_t, GeometryNode >
using GeometryEdges = std::map< uint64_t, uint64_t >
using Bifurcations = std::map< uint64_t, uint64_ts >
using ThreadSafeContainers = std::vector< ThreadSafeContainer >
using SDFGeometriesPtr = std::shared_ptr< SDFGeometries >


enum class  AssemblyConstraintType { inside = 0 , outside = 1 }
enum class  ReportType {
  undefined = 0 , spike = 1 , soma = 2 , compartment = 3 ,
  synapse_efficacy = 4
enum class  XYZFileFormat {
  unspecified = 0 , xyz_binary = 1 , xyzr_binary = 2 , xyzrv_binary = 3 ,
  xyz_ascii = 4 , xyzr_ascii = 5 , xyzrv_ascii = 6
 File format for export of atom coordinates, radius and charge. More...


std::string & ltrim (std::string &s)
 Left trim of a string. More...
std::string & rtrim (std::string &s)
 Right trim of a string. More...
std::string & trim (std::string &s)
 Left and right trim of a string. More...
bool isClipped (const core::Vector3d &position, const Vector4ds &clippingPlanes)
 isClipped Determine if a 3d position is inside a volume defined by clipping planes More...
void setDefaultTransferFunction (core::Model &model, const core::Vector2d range={0.0, 1.0}, const double alpha=1.0)
 Set the default transfer function (Unipolar) to a given model. More...
Vector4ds getClippingPlanes (const core::Scene &scene)
 Get the Clipping Planes from the scene. More...
Vector2d doublesToVector2d (const doubles &value)
 Converts a vector of doubles into a 2D vector. More...
Vector3d doublesToVector3d (const doubles &value)
 Converts a vector of doubles into a 3D vector. More...
doubles vector3dToDoubles (const core::Vector3d &value)
 Converts a 3D vector to a vector of doubles. More...
Vector4d doublesToVector4d (const doubles &value)
 Converts a vector of doubles into a 4D vector. More...
Quaterniond doublesToQuaterniond (const doubles &values)
 Converts a vector of doubles into a Quaternion. More...
Vector4ds doublesToVector4ds (const doubles &values)
 Converts a vector of doubles into vector of 4D vectors. More...
MolecularSystemAnimationDetails doublesToMolecularSystemAnimationDetails (const doubles &values)
 Converts a vector of doubles into molecular system animation details. More...
CellAnimationDetails doublesToCellAnimationDetails (const doubles &values)
 Converts a vector of doubles into cell animation details. More...
NeuronsReportParameters doublesToNeuronsReportParametersDetails (const doubles &values)
 Converts a vector of doubles into neurons report parameters details. More...
std::vector< std::string > split (const std::string &s, const std::string &delimiter=CONTENTS_DELIMITER)
 Splits a string according to the delimiter. More...
Transformation combineTransformations (const core::Transformations &transformations)
 Combine a list of transformations. More...
Vector3d sphereFilling (const double radius, const uint64_t occurrence, const uint64_t occurrences, const uint64_t rnd, core::Vector3d &position, core::Quaterniond &rotation, const double ratio=1.0)
 Returns a position and a rotation of a instance on a sphere using a sphere-filling algorithm. More...
bool rayBoxIntersection (const core::Vector3d &origin, const core::Vector3d &direction, const core::Boxd &box, const double t0, const double t1, double &t)
 Intersection between a ray and a box. More...
double sphereVolume (const double radius)
double cylinderVolume (const double height, const double radius)
double coneVolume (const double height, const double r1, const double r2)
double capsuleVolume (const double height, const double radius)
Vector3f transformVector3f (const Vector3f &v, const Matrix4f &transformation)
Vector3ds getPointsInSphere (const size_t nbPoints, const double innerRadius)
double mix (const double x, const double y, const double a)
double frac (const double x)
Vector3d frac (const Vector3d v)
double hash (double n)
double noise (const Vector3d &x)
Vector3d mod (const Vector3d &v, const int m)
double cells (const Vector3d &p, const double cellCount)
double worleyNoise (const Vector3d &p, double cellCount)
size_t getMaterialIdFromOrientation (const Vector3d &orientation)
double rnd0 ()
 Return a random double between 0 and 1. More...
double rnd1 ()
 Return a random double between -0.5 and 0.5. More...
double rnd2 (const uint64_t index)
 Return a predefined random double between -0.5 and 0.5. More...
double rnd3 (const uint64_t index)
 Return a controlled random double between -0.5 and 0.5, currently a sinusoidal function. More...
Quaterniond weightedRandomRotation (const core::Quaterniond &q, const uint64_t seed, const uint64_t index, const double weight)
 Randomly alters a quaternion according to the specified parameters. More...
Quaterniond randomQuaternion (const uint64_t seed)
 Generate a random quaternion. More...
bool andCheck (const uint32_t value, const uint32_t test)
 Check is test is part of value using the AND operator. More...
std::string boolAsString (const bool value)
 Return a Yes/No string representation of a boolean. More...
double valueFromDoubles (const doubles &array, const size_t index, const double defaultValue)
 Returns the value of an array of double at a given index. Default value if index is out of bounds. More...
Vector3d getAlignmentToGrid (const double gridSize, const core::Vector3d &position)
 Align a 3D position to a given grid. More...


uint64_t _faceIndex = 0
double _surfaceCoveringProcess = 0.0
double _instanceCoveringProcess = 0.0
const float equalityEpsilon = 1e-6f
const std::vector< double > randoms

Typedef Documentation

◆ AssemblyConstraint

Definition at line 96 of file Types.h.

◆ AssemblyConstraints

◆ AssemblyMap

using bioexplorer::common::AssemblyMap = typedef std::map<std::string, AssemblyPtr>

Definition at line 89 of file Types.h.

◆ AssemblyPtr

using bioexplorer::common::AssemblyPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Assembly>

Definition at line 88 of file Types.h.

◆ Bifurcations

using bioexplorer::common::Bifurcations = typedef std::map<uint64_t, uint64_ts>

Definition at line 112 of file Types.h.

◆ GeometryEdges

using bioexplorer::common::GeometryEdges = typedef std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>

Definition at line 111 of file Types.h.

◆ GeometryNodes

using bioexplorer::common::GeometryNodes = typedef std::map<uint64_t, GeometryNode>

Definition at line 110 of file Types.h.

◆ MaterialSet

using bioexplorer::common::MaterialSet = typedef std::set<size_t>

Definition at line 80 of file Types.h.

◆ Neighbours

using bioexplorer::common::Neighbours = typedef std::set<size_t>

Definition at line 81 of file Types.h.

◆ NodeMap

typedef std::map< std::string, NodePtr > bioexplorer::common::NodeMap

Definition at line 74 of file Node.h.

◆ NodePtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< Node > bioexplorer::common::NodePtr

Definition at line 73 of file Node.h.

◆ RNAShapePtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<RNAShape> bioexplorer::common::RNAShapePtr

Definition at line 78 of file RNAShape.h.

◆ SDFGeometriesPtr

using bioexplorer::common::SDFGeometriesPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<SDFGeometries>

Definition at line 120 of file Types.h.

◆ ShapePtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<Shape> bioexplorer::common::ShapePtr

Definition at line 99 of file Shape.h.

◆ ThreadSafeContainers

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AssemblyConstraintType


Definition at line 91 of file Types.h.

◆ ReportType


Definition at line 133 of file Types.h.

◆ XYZFileFormat

File format for export of atom coordinates, radius and charge.




x, y, z coordinates stored in binary representation (4 byte double)


x, y, z coordinates and radius stored in binary representation (4 byte double)


x, y, z coordinates, radius, and charge stored in binary representation (4 byte double)


x, y, z coordinates stored in space separated ascii representation. One line per atom


x, y, z coordinates and radius stored in space separated ascii representation. One line per atom


x, y, z coordinates, radius, and charge stored in space separated ascii representation. One line per atom

Definition at line 159 of file Types.h.

Function Documentation

◆ andCheck()

bool bioexplorer::common::andCheck ( const uint32_t  value,
const uint32_t  test 

Check is test is part of value using the AND operator.

valueValue to test
testTest value
true is test is part of value using the AND operator, false otherwise

Definition at line 600 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ boolAsString()

std::string bioexplorer::common::boolAsString ( const bool  value)

Return a Yes/No string representation of a boolean.

valueBoolean value
std::string Yes if true, No otherwise

Definition at line 605 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ capsuleVolume()

double bioexplorer::common::capsuleVolume ( const double  height,
const double  radius 

Definition at line 451 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ cells()

double bioexplorer::common::cells ( const Vector3d p,
const double  cellCount 

Definition at line 520 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ combineTransformations()

core::Transformation bioexplorer::common::combineTransformations ( const core::Transformations transformations)

Combine a list of transformations.

transformationsList of transformations
Transformation Result of the combination

Definition at line 357 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ coneVolume()

double bioexplorer::common::coneVolume ( const double  height,
const double  r1,
const double  r2 

Definition at line 446 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ cylinderVolume()

double bioexplorer::common::cylinderVolume ( const double  height,
const double  radius 

Definition at line 441 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ doublesToCellAnimationDetails()

details::CellAnimationDetails bioexplorer::common::doublesToCellAnimationDetails ( const doubles values)

Converts a vector of doubles into cell animation details.

valueVector of doubles
CellAnimationDetails The animation details

Definition at line 315 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ doublesToMolecularSystemAnimationDetails()

details::MolecularSystemAnimationDetails bioexplorer::common::doublesToMolecularSystemAnimationDetails ( const doubles values)

Converts a vector of doubles into molecular system animation details.

valueVector of doubles
MolecularSystemAnimationDetails The animation details

Definition at line 303 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ doublesToNeuronsReportParametersDetails()

details::NeuronsReportParameters bioexplorer::common::doublesToNeuronsReportParametersDetails ( const doubles values)

Converts a vector of doubles into neurons report parameters details.

valueVector of doubles
NeuronsReportParameters The neurons report parameters details

Definition at line 325 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ doublesToQuaterniond()

core::Quaterniond bioexplorer::common::doublesToQuaterniond ( const doubles values)

Converts a vector of doubles into a Quaternion.

valuesVector of doubles
Quaternion A quaternion

Definition at line 281 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ doublesToVector2d()

core::Vector2d bioexplorer::common::doublesToVector2d ( const doubles value)

Converts a vector of doubles into a 2D vector.

valueVector of doubles
Vector2d A 2D vector

Definition at line 249 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ doublesToVector3d()

core::Vector3d bioexplorer::common::doublesToVector3d ( const doubles value)

Converts a vector of doubles into a 3D vector.

valueVector of doubles
Vector3d A 3D vector

Definition at line 258 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ doublesToVector4d()

core::Vector4d bioexplorer::common::doublesToVector4d ( const doubles value)

Converts a vector of doubles into a 4D vector.

valueVector of doubles
Vector3d A 4D vector

Definition at line 272 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ doublesToVector4ds()

Vector4ds bioexplorer::common::doublesToVector4ds ( const doubles values)

Converts a vector of doubles into vector of 4D vectors.

valuesVector of doubles
Quaternion A vector of 4D vectors

Definition at line 290 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ frac() [1/2]

double bioexplorer::common::frac ( const double  x)

Definition at line 488 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ frac() [2/2]

core::Vector3d bioexplorer::common::frac ( const Vector3d  v)

Definition at line 493 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ getAlignmentToGrid()

core::Vector3d bioexplorer::common::getAlignmentToGrid ( const double  gridSize,
const core::Vector3d position 

Align a 3D position to a given grid.

gridSizeGrid size
position3D position
Vector3d An 3D position aligned to the grid

Definition at line 617 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ getClippingPlanes()

Vector4ds bioexplorer::common::getClippingPlanes ( const core::Scene scene)

Get the Clipping Planes from the scene.

scene3D scene
Vector4ds List of clipping planes

Definition at line 236 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ getMaterialIdFromOrientation()

size_t bioexplorer::common::getMaterialIdFromOrientation ( const Vector3d orientation)

Definition at line 546 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ getPointsInSphere()

Vector3ds bioexplorer::common::getPointsInSphere ( const size_t  nbPoints,
const double  innerRadius 

Definition at line 467 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ hash()

double bioexplorer::common::hash ( double  n)

Definition at line 498 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ isClipped()

bool bioexplorer::common::isClipped ( const core::Vector3d position,
const Vector4ds clippingPlanes 

isClipped Determine if a 3d position is inside a volume defined by clipping planes

positionPosition to check
clippingPlanesClipping planes defining the volume
True if the position does not belong to the volume, false otherwise

Definition at line 83 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ ltrim()

std::string & bioexplorer::common::ltrim ( std::string &  s)

Left trim of a string.

sString to trim
Trimmed string

Definition at line 66 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ mix()

double bioexplorer::common::mix ( const double  x,
const double  y,
const double  a 

Definition at line 483 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ mod()

core::Vector3d bioexplorer::common::mod ( const Vector3d v,
const int  m 

Definition at line 515 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ noise()

double bioexplorer::common::noise ( const Vector3d x)

Definition at line 503 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ randomQuaternion()

core::Quaterniond bioexplorer::common::randomQuaternion ( const uint64_t  seed)

Generate a random quaternion.

seedSeed to apply to the randomness
Quaterniond Random quaternion

Definition at line 581 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ rayBoxIntersection()

bool bioexplorer::common::rayBoxIntersection ( const core::Vector3d origin,
const core::Vector3d direction,
const core::Boxd box,
const double  t0,
const double  t1,
double &  t 

Intersection between a ray and a box.

originOrigin of the ray
directionDirection of the ray
t0Initial t of the ray
t1Final t of the ray
tIntersection value of t if an intersection if found
true The ray intersects with the box
false The ray does not intersect with the box

Definition at line 398 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ rnd0()

double bioexplorer::common::rnd0 ( )

Return a random double between 0 and 1.

double A random double between 0 and 1

Definition at line 553 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ rnd1()

double bioexplorer::common::rnd1 ( )

Return a random double between -0.5 and 0.5.

double A random double between -0.5 and 0.5

Definition at line 558 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ rnd2()

double bioexplorer::common::rnd2 ( const uint64_t  index)

Return a predefined random double between -0.5 and 0.5.

indexIndex of the random double in a predefined array
double A random double between -0.5 and 0.5

Definition at line 563 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ rnd3()

double bioexplorer::common::rnd3 ( const uint64_t  index)

Return a controlled random double between -0.5 and 0.5, currently a sinusoidal function.

indexIndex of the random double in a sinusoidal function
double A random double between -0.5 and 0.5

Definition at line 568 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ rtrim()

std::string & bioexplorer::common::rtrim ( std::string &  s)

Right trim of a string.

sString to trim
Trimmed string

Definition at line 72 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ setDefaultTransferFunction()

void bioexplorer::common::setDefaultTransferFunction ( core::Model model,
const core::Vector2d  range = {0.0, 1.0},
const double  alpha = 1.0 

Set the default transfer function (Unipolar) to a given model.

modelModel to which the transfer function should be set

Definition at line 99 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ sphereFilling()

core::Vector3d bioexplorer::common::sphereFilling ( const double  radius,
const uint64_t  occurrence,
const uint64_t  occurrences,
const uint64_t  rnd,
core::Vector3d position,
core::Quaterniond rotation,
const double  ratio = 1.0 

Returns a position and a rotation of a instance on a sphere using a sphere-filling algorithm.

radiusRadius of the sphere
occurrencesTotal number of instances
rndRandomized occurrence of the instance (optional)
positionResulting position of the instance on the sphere
rotationResulting orientation of the instance on the sphere
ratioRatio of coverage of the sphere

Definition at line 380 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ sphereVolume()

double bioexplorer::common::sphereVolume ( const double  radius)

Definition at line 436 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ split()

std::vector< std::string > bioexplorer::common::split ( const std::string &  s,
const std::string &  delimiter = CONTENTS_DELIMITER 

Splits a string according to the delimiter.

sString to split
std::vector<std::string> Vector of strings

Definition at line 338 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ transformVector3f()

core::Vector3f bioexplorer::common::transformVector3f ( const Vector3f v,
const Matrix4f transformation 

Definition at line 456 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ trim()

std::string & bioexplorer::common::trim ( std::string &  s)

Left and right trim of a string.

sString to trim
Trimmed string

Definition at line 78 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ valueFromDoubles()

double bioexplorer::common::valueFromDoubles ( const doubles array,
const size_t  index,
const double  defaultValue 

Returns the value of an array of double at a given index. Default value if index is out of bounds.

arrayArray of doubles
indexIndex in the array
defaultValueDefault value if index is out of bounds

Definition at line 610 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ vector3dToDoubles()

doubles bioexplorer::common::vector3dToDoubles ( const core::Vector3d value)

Converts a 3D vector to a vector of doubles.

valueA 3D vector
Vector3d Vector of doubles

Definition at line 267 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ weightedRandomRotation()

core::Quaterniond bioexplorer::common::weightedRandomRotation ( const core::Quaterniond q,
const uint64_t  seed,
const uint64_t  index,
const double  weight 

Randomly alters a quaternion according to the specified parameters.

qInitial quaternion
seedRandom seed
indexIndex of the quaternion (typically the index of the corresponding element instance)
weightWeight of the alteration
Quaterniond Resulting modified quaternion

Definition at line 573 of file Utils.cpp.

◆ worleyNoise()

double bioexplorer::common::worleyNoise ( const Vector3d p,
double  cellCount 

Definition at line 541 of file Utils.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ _faceIndex

uint64_t bioexplorer::common::_faceIndex = 0

Definition at line 37 of file MeshShape.cpp.

◆ _instanceCoveringProcess

double bioexplorer::common::_instanceCoveringProcess = 0.0

Definition at line 39 of file MeshShape.cpp.

◆ _surfaceCoveringProcess

double bioexplorer::common::_surfaceCoveringProcess = 0.0

Definition at line 38 of file MeshShape.cpp.

◆ equalityEpsilon

const float bioexplorer::common::equalityEpsilon = 1e-6f

Definition at line 41 of file ThreadSafeContainer.cpp.

◆ randoms

const std::vector<double> bioexplorer::common::randoms
Initial value:
= {
0.28148369141, 0.796861024715, 0.074193743197, 0.482440306945, 0.992773878589, 0.709310247315,
0.988484235866, 0.714714091734, 0.643116781373, 0.718637647581, 0.926101047171, 0.846328419497,
0.00297438943897, 0.137931361741, 0.17772706582, 0.444643858689, 0.629288179636, 0.613382480923,
0.630336849193, 0.311776793613, 0.08508451954, 0.30789230424, 0.0498092039943, 0.773779960365,
0.768769637233, 0.882161981223, 0.976723516158, 0.449556805562, 0.817669534955, 0.616539655821,
0.758216742242, 0.858237417116, 0.979179183398, 0.65720513278, 0.386168029804, 0.0998493897615,
0.962177647248, 0.108548816296, 0.996156105474, 0.941749314739, 0.406174983692, 0.158989971035,
0.654907085688, 0.538001003242, 0.332477591342, 0.978302973988, 0.98409103864, 0.241245008961,
0.68183193795, 0.653235229058, 0.0606653606997, 0.0566309454523, 0.919881491327, 0.905670025614,
0.637338702024, 0.121894161196, 0.937476480417, 0.017741798193, 0.61697799368, 0.709261525057,
0.859211525517, 0.96409034113, 0.0972400297964, 0.181073145261, 0.284798532204, 0.413248667128,
0.332659388212, 0.340977212815, 0.820090638467, 0.560592082547, 0.183689859617, 0.2575201395,
0.289725466835, 0.522736633275, 0.882031679296, 0.654563598748, 0.531309473163, 0.134963142807,
0.601297763714, 0.483506281956, 0.283419807601, 0.454826306306, 0.508528602139, 0.897831546117,
0.900287116387, 0.688215721818, 0.615842816633, 0.78273583615, 0.927051829764, 0.425934500525,
0.741948788292, 0.0813684454157, 0.998899378243, 0.551326196783, 0.0682702415237, 0.389893584905,
0.15548746549, 0.468047910542, 0.948034950244, 0.202074251433, 0.347536181502, 0.024377007386,
0.2214820153, 0.846643514875, 0.391710310296, 0.692284401129, 0.244449478476, 0.0181219259474,
0.336741055884, 0.70325501105, 0.968370058703, 0.892508506776, 0.538387343968, 0.843838154621,
0.0790397063184, 0.103191163974, 0.243711484807, 0.694622402023, 0.798540922368, 0.21746310996,
0.870761691473, 0.368350833275, 0.228505271004, 0.3741636072, 0.347291149036, 0.753449262487,
0.890757112194, 0.167150644248}

Definition at line 42 of file Utils.cpp.