User Guide
nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor Class Reference

Visitor for checking parents of ast nodes More...

Detailed Description

Visitor for checking parents of ast nodes

The visitor goes down the tree (parent -> children) marking down in parent who is the parent of the node he is visiting. Once check_parent(ast::Ast* node) verified that the current node has the correct parent, we set the current node as parent and go down the tree. Once all the children were checked we set the parent of the current node as parent (it was checked before) and return.

Definition at line 45 of file checkparent_visitor.hpp.

#include <checkparent_visitor.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor:
nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor nmodl::visitor::ConstVisitor

Public Member Functions

 CheckParentVisitor (bool is_root_with_null_parent=true)
 Standard constructor. More...
int check_ast (const ast::Ast &node)
 A small wrapper to have a nicer call in parser.cpp. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from nmodl::visitor::ConstVisitor
virtual ~ConstVisitor ()=default

Protected Member Functions

void visit_node (const ast::Node &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_statement (const ast::Statement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_expression (const ast::Expression &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_block (const ast::Block &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_identifier (const ast::Identifier &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_number (const ast::Number &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_string (const ast::String &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_integer (const ast::Integer &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_float (const ast::Float &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_double (const ast::Double &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_boolean (const ast::Boolean &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_name (const ast::Name &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_prime_name (const ast::PrimeName &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_indexed_name (const ast::IndexedName &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_var_name (const ast::VarName &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_argument (const ast::Argument &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_react_var_name (const ast::ReactVarName &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_read_ion_var (const ast::ReadIonVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_write_ion_var (const ast::WriteIonVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_nonspecific_cur_var (const ast::NonspecificCurVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_electrode_cur_var (const ast::ElectrodeCurVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_range_var (const ast::RangeVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_global_var (const ast::GlobalVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_pointer_var (const ast::PointerVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_random_var (const ast::RandomVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_bbcore_pointer_var (const ast::BbcorePointerVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_extern_var (const ast::ExternVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_param_block (const ast::ParamBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_independent_block (const ast::IndependentBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_assigned_block (const ast::AssignedBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_state_block (const ast::StateBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_initial_block (const ast::InitialBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_constructor_block (const ast::ConstructorBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_destructor_block (const ast::DestructorBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_statement_block (const ast::StatementBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_derivative_block (const ast::DerivativeBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_linear_block (const ast::LinearBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_non_linear_block (const ast::NonLinearBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_discrete_block (const ast::DiscreteBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_function_table_block (const ast::FunctionTableBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_function_block (const ast::FunctionBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_procedure_block (const ast::ProcedureBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_net_receive_block (const ast::NetReceiveBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_solve_block (const ast::SolveBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_breakpoint_block (const ast::BreakpointBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_before_block (const ast::BeforeBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_after_block (const ast::AfterBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_ba_block (const ast::BABlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_for_netcon (const ast::ForNetcon &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_kinetic_block (const ast::KineticBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_unit_block (const ast::UnitBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_constant_block (const ast::ConstantBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_neuron_block (const ast::NeuronBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_unit (const ast::Unit &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_double_unit (const ast::DoubleUnit &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_local_var (const ast::LocalVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_limits (const ast::Limits &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_number_range (const ast::NumberRange &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_constant_var (const ast::ConstantVar &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_binary_operator (const ast::BinaryOperator &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_unary_operator (const ast::UnaryOperator &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_reaction_operator (const ast::ReactionOperator &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_paren_expression (const ast::ParenExpression &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_binary_expression (const ast::BinaryExpression &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_diff_eq_expression (const ast::DiffEqExpression &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_unary_expression (const ast::UnaryExpression &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_non_lin_equation (const ast::NonLinEquation &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_lin_equation (const ast::LinEquation &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_function_call (const ast::FunctionCall &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_watch (const ast::Watch &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_ba_block_type (const ast::BABlockType &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_unit_def (const ast::UnitDef &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_factor_def (const ast::FactorDef &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_valence (const ast::Valence &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_unit_state (const ast::UnitState &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_local_list_statement (const ast::LocalListStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_model (const ast::Model &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_define (const ast::Define &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_include (const ast::Include &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_param_assign (const ast::ParamAssign &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_assigned_definition (const ast::AssignedDefinition &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_conductance_hint (const ast::ConductanceHint &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_expression_statement (const ast::ExpressionStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_protect_statement (const ast::ProtectStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_from_statement (const ast::FromStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_while_statement (const ast::WhileStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_if_statement (const ast::IfStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_else_if_statement (const ast::ElseIfStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_else_statement (const ast::ElseStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_watch_statement (const ast::WatchStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_mutex_lock (const ast::MutexLock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_mutex_unlock (const ast::MutexUnlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_conserve (const ast::Conserve &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_compartment (const ast::Compartment &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_lon_diffuse (const ast::LonDiffuse &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_reaction_statement (const ast::ReactionStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_lag_statement (const ast::LagStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_constant_statement (const ast::ConstantStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_table_statement (const ast::TableStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_suffix (const ast::Suffix &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_useion (const ast::Useion &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_nonspecific (const ast::Nonspecific &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_electrode_current (const ast::ElectrodeCurrent &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_range (const ast::Range &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_global (const ast::Global &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_random_var_list (const ast::RandomVarList &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_pointer (const ast::Pointer &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_bbcore_pointer (const ast::BbcorePointer &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_external (const ast::External &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_thread_safe (const ast::ThreadSafe &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_verbatim (const ast::Verbatim &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_line_comment (const ast::LineComment &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_block_comment (const ast::BlockComment &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_ontology_statement (const ast::OntologyStatement &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_program (const ast::Program &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_nrn_state_block (const ast::NrnStateBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_eigen_newton_solver_block (const ast::EigenNewtonSolverBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_eigen_linear_solver_block (const ast::EigenLinearSolverBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_cvode_block (const ast::CvodeBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_longitudinal_diffusion_block (const ast::LongitudinalDiffusionBlock &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_wrapped_expression (const ast::WrappedExpression &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_derivimplicit_callback (const ast::DerivimplicitCallback &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_solution_expression (const ast::SolutionExpression &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...
void visit_update_dt (const ast::UpdateDt &node) override
 Go through the tree while checking the parents. More...

Private Member Functions

void check_parent (const ast::Ast &node) const
 Check the parent, throw an error if not. More...

Private Attributes

const ast::Astparent = nullptr
 Keeps track of the parents while going down the tree. More...
const bool is_root_with_null_parent = false
 Flag to activate the parent check on the root node. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CheckParentVisitor()

nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::CheckParentVisitor ( bool  is_root_with_null_parent = true)

Standard constructor.

If is_root_with_null_parent is set to true, also the initial node is checked to be sure that is really the root (parent == nullptr)

Definition at line 73 of file checkparent_visitor.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ check_ast()

int nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::check_ast ( const ast::Ast node)

A small wrapper to have a nicer call in parser.cpp.


Definition at line 25 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ check_parent()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::check_parent ( const ast::Ast node) const

Check the parent, throw an error if not.

Definition at line 34 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_after_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_after_block ( const ast::AfterBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 697 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_argument()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_argument ( const ast::Argument node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 263 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_assigned_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_assigned_block ( const ast::AssignedBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 459 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_assigned_definition()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_assigned_definition ( const ast::AssignedDefinition node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1173 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_ba_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_ba_block ( const ast::BABlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 711 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_ba_block_type()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_ba_block_type ( const ast::BABlockType node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1033 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_bbcore_pointer()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_bbcore_pointer ( const ast::BbcorePointer node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1551 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_bbcore_pointer_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_bbcore_pointer_var ( const ast::BbcorePointerVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 403 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_before_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_before_block ( const ast::BeforeBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 683 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_binary_expression()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_binary_expression ( const ast::BinaryExpression node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 935 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_binary_operator()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_binary_operator ( const ast::BinaryOperator node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 879 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_block ( const ast::Block node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 95 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_block_comment()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_block_comment ( const ast::BlockComment node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1621 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_boolean()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_boolean ( const ast::Boolean node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 193 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_breakpoint_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_breakpoint_block ( const ast::BreakpointBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 669 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_compartment()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_compartment ( const ast::Compartment node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1355 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_conductance_hint()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_conductance_hint ( const ast::ConductanceHint node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1187 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_conserve()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_conserve ( const ast::Conserve node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1341 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_constant_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_constant_block ( const ast::ConstantBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 767 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_constant_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_constant_statement ( const ast::ConstantStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1411 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_constant_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_constant_var ( const ast::ConstantVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 865 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_constructor_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_constructor_block ( const ast::ConstructorBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 501 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_cvode_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_cvode_block ( const ast::CvodeBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1705 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_define()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_define ( const ast::Define node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1131 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_derivative_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_derivative_block ( const ast::DerivativeBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 543 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_derivimplicit_callback()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_derivimplicit_callback ( const ast::DerivimplicitCallback node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1747 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_destructor_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_destructor_block ( const ast::DestructorBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 515 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_diff_eq_expression()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_diff_eq_expression ( const ast::DiffEqExpression node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 949 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_discrete_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_discrete_block ( const ast::DiscreteBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 585 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_double()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_double ( const ast::Double node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 179 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_double_unit()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_double_unit ( const ast::DoubleUnit node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 809 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_eigen_linear_solver_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_eigen_linear_solver_block ( const ast::EigenLinearSolverBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1691 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_eigen_newton_solver_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_eigen_newton_solver_block ( const ast::EigenNewtonSolverBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1677 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_electrode_cur_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_electrode_cur_var ( const ast::ElectrodeCurVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 333 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_electrode_current()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_electrode_current ( const ast::ElectrodeCurrent node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1481 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_else_if_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_else_if_statement ( const ast::ElseIfStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1271 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_else_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_else_statement ( const ast::ElseStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1285 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_expression()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_expression ( const ast::Expression node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 81 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_expression_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_expression_statement ( const ast::ExpressionStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1201 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_extern_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_extern_var ( const ast::ExternVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 417 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_external()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_external ( const ast::External node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1565 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_factor_def()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_factor_def ( const ast::FactorDef node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1061 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_float()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_float ( const ast::Float node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 165 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_for_netcon()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_for_netcon ( const ast::ForNetcon node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 725 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_from_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_from_statement ( const ast::FromStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1229 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_function_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_function_block ( const ast::FunctionBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 613 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_function_call()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_function_call ( const ast::FunctionCall node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1005 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_function_table_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_function_table_block ( const ast::FunctionTableBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 599 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_global()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_global ( const ast::Global node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1509 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_global_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_global_var ( const ast::GlobalVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 361 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_identifier()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_identifier ( const ast::Identifier node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 109 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_if_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_if_statement ( const ast::IfStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1257 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_include()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_include ( const ast::Include node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1145 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_independent_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_independent_block ( const ast::IndependentBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 445 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_indexed_name()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_indexed_name ( const ast::IndexedName node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 235 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_initial_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_initial_block ( const ast::InitialBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 487 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_integer()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_integer ( const ast::Integer node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 151 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_kinetic_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_kinetic_block ( const ast::KineticBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 739 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_lag_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_lag_statement ( const ast::LagStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1397 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_limits()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_limits ( const ast::Limits node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 837 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_lin_equation()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_lin_equation ( const ast::LinEquation node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 991 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_line_comment()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_line_comment ( const ast::LineComment node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1607 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_linear_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_linear_block ( const ast::LinearBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 557 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_local_list_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_local_list_statement ( const ast::LocalListStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1103 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_local_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_local_var ( const ast::LocalVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 823 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_lon_diffuse()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_lon_diffuse ( const ast::LonDiffuse node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1369 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_longitudinal_diffusion_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_longitudinal_diffusion_block ( const ast::LongitudinalDiffusionBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1719 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_model()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_model ( const ast::Model node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1117 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_mutex_lock()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_mutex_lock ( const ast::MutexLock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1313 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_mutex_unlock()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_mutex_unlock ( const ast::MutexUnlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1327 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_name()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_name ( const ast::Name node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 207 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_net_receive_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_net_receive_block ( const ast::NetReceiveBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 641 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_neuron_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_neuron_block ( const ast::NeuronBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 781 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_node()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_node ( const ast::Node node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 53 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_non_lin_equation()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_non_lin_equation ( const ast::NonLinEquation node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 977 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_non_linear_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_non_linear_block ( const ast::NonLinearBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 571 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_nonspecific()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_nonspecific ( const ast::Nonspecific node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1467 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_nonspecific_cur_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_nonspecific_cur_var ( const ast::NonspecificCurVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 319 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_nrn_state_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_nrn_state_block ( const ast::NrnStateBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1663 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_number()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_number ( const ast::Number node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 123 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_number_range()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_number_range ( const ast::NumberRange node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 851 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_ontology_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_ontology_statement ( const ast::OntologyStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1635 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_param_assign()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_param_assign ( const ast::ParamAssign node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1159 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_param_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_param_block ( const ast::ParamBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 431 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_paren_expression()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_paren_expression ( const ast::ParenExpression node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 921 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_pointer()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_pointer ( const ast::Pointer node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1537 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_pointer_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_pointer_var ( const ast::PointerVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 375 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_prime_name()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_prime_name ( const ast::PrimeName node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 221 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_procedure_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_procedure_block ( const ast::ProcedureBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 627 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_program()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_program ( const ast::Program node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1649 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_protect_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_protect_statement ( const ast::ProtectStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1215 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_random_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_random_var ( const ast::RandomVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 389 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_random_var_list()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_random_var_list ( const ast::RandomVarList node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1523 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_range()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_range ( const ast::Range node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1495 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_range_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_range_var ( const ast::RangeVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 347 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_react_var_name()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_react_var_name ( const ast::ReactVarName node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 277 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_reaction_operator()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_reaction_operator ( const ast::ReactionOperator node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 907 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_reaction_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_reaction_statement ( const ast::ReactionStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1383 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_read_ion_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_read_ion_var ( const ast::ReadIonVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 291 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_solution_expression()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_solution_expression ( const ast::SolutionExpression node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1761 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_solve_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_solve_block ( const ast::SolveBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 655 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_state_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_state_block ( const ast::StateBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 473 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_statement ( const ast::Statement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 67 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_statement_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_statement_block ( const ast::StatementBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 529 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_string()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_string ( const ast::String node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 137 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_suffix()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_suffix ( const ast::Suffix node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1439 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_table_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_table_statement ( const ast::TableStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1425 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_thread_safe()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_thread_safe ( const ast::ThreadSafe node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1579 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_unary_expression()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_unary_expression ( const ast::UnaryExpression node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 963 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_unary_operator()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_unary_operator ( const ast::UnaryOperator node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 893 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_unit()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_unit ( const ast::Unit node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 795 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_unit_block()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_unit_block ( const ast::UnitBlock node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 753 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_unit_def()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_unit_def ( const ast::UnitDef node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1047 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_unit_state()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_unit_state ( const ast::UnitState node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1089 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_update_dt()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_update_dt ( const ast::UpdateDt node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1775 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_useion()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_useion ( const ast::Useion node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1453 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_valence()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_valence ( const ast::Valence node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1075 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_var_name()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_var_name ( const ast::VarName node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 249 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_verbatim()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_verbatim ( const ast::Verbatim node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1593 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_watch()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_watch ( const ast::Watch node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1019 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_watch_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_watch_statement ( const ast::WatchStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1299 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_while_statement()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_while_statement ( const ast::WhileStatement node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1243 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_wrapped_expression()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_wrapped_expression ( const ast::WrappedExpression node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 1733 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

◆ visit_write_ion_var()

void nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::visit_write_ion_var ( const ast::WriteIonVar node)

Go through the tree while checking the parents.

Reimplemented from nmodl::visitor::ConstAstVisitor.

Definition at line 305 of file checkparent_visitor.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ is_root_with_null_parent

const bool nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::is_root_with_null_parent = false

Flag to activate the parent check on the root node.

This flag tells to the visitor to check (or not check) if the root node, from which we start the visit, is the root node and thus, it should have nullptr parent

Definition at line 58 of file checkparent_visitor.hpp.

◆ parent

const ast::Ast* nmodl::visitor::test::CheckParentVisitor::parent = nullptr

Keeps track of the parents while going down the tree.

Definition at line 50 of file checkparent_visitor.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: