User Guide
nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock Class Reference

Represent CONSTANT block in the mod file. More...

Detailed Description

Represent CONSTANT block in the mod file.

Here is an example of CONSTANT block in mod file:

q10 = 3
cvm = 28.9 (mV)
ckm = 6.2 (mV)
ctm = 0.000505 (s)

Definition at line 50 of file constant_block.hpp.

#include <constant_block.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock:
nmodl::ast::Block nmodl::ast::Expression nmodl::ast::Node nmodl::ast::Ast

Public Member Functions

bool is_constant_block () const noexcept override
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ConstantBlock. More...
ConstantBlockclone () const override
 Return a copy of the current node. More...
Ctor & dtor
 ConstantBlock (const ConstantStatementVector &statements)
 ConstantBlock (const ConstantBlock &obj)
 copy constructor implementation More...
virtual ~ConstantBlock ()=default
AstNodeType get_node_type () const noexcept override
 Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node. More...
std::string get_node_type_name () const noexcept override
 Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node as std::string. More...
std::string get_nmodl_name () const noexcept override
 Return NMODL statement of ast node as std::string. More...
std::shared_ptr< Astget_shared_ptr () override
 Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node. More...
std::shared_ptr< const Astget_shared_ptr () const override
 Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node. More...
const ModTokenget_token () const noexcept override
 Return associated token for the current ast node. More...
symtab::SymbolTableget_symbol_table () const override
 Return associated symbol table for the current ast node. More...
const ConstantStatementVectorget_statements () const noexcept
 Getter for member variable ConstantBlock::statements. More...
void set_token (const ModToken &tok)
 Set token for the current ast node. More...
void set_symbol_table (symtab::SymbolTable *newsymtab) override
 Set symbol table for the current ast node. More...
void set_statements (ConstantStatementVector &&statements)
 Setter for member variable ConstantBlock::statements (rvalue reference) More...
void set_statements (const ConstantStatementVector &statements)
 Setter for member variable ConstantBlock::statements. More...
void visit_children (visitor::Visitor &v) override
 visit children i.e. More...
void visit_children (visitor::ConstVisitor &v) const override
 visit children i.e. More...
void accept (visitor::Visitor &v) override
 accept (or visit) the current AST node using provided visitor More...
void accept (visitor::ConstVisitor &v) const override
 accept (or visit) the current AST node using provided visitor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from nmodl::ast::Block
bool is_block () const noexcept override
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Block. More...
virtual ~Block ()=default
virtual const ArgumentVectorget_parameters () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from nmodl::ast::Expression
bool is_expression () const noexcept override
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Expression. More...
Expressionclone () const override
 Return a copy of the current node. More...
virtual ~Expression ()=default
AstNodeType get_node_type () const noexcept override
 Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node. More...
std::string get_node_type_name () const noexcept override
 Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node as std::string. More...
std::shared_ptr< Astget_shared_ptr () override
 Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node. More...
std::shared_ptr< const Astget_shared_ptr () const override
 Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node. More...
void visit_children (visitor::Visitor &v) override
 visit children i.e. More...
void visit_children (visitor::ConstVisitor &v) const override
 visit children i.e. More...
void accept (visitor::Visitor &v) override
 accept (or visit) the current AST node using provided visitor More...
void accept (visitor::ConstVisitor &v) const override
 accept (or visit) the current AST node using provided visitor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from nmodl::ast::Node
bool is_node () const noexcept override
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Node. More...
Nodeclone () const override
 Return a copy of the current node. More...
virtual ~Node ()=default
AstNodeType get_node_type () const noexcept override
 Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node. More...
std::string get_node_type_name () const noexcept override
 Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node as std::string. More...
std::shared_ptr< Astget_shared_ptr () override
 Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node. More...
std::shared_ptr< const Astget_shared_ptr () const override
 Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node. More...
void visit_children (visitor::Visitor &v) override
 visit children i.e. More...
void visit_children (visitor::ConstVisitor &v) const override
 visit children i.e. More...
void accept (visitor::Visitor &v) override
 accept (or visit) the current AST node using provided visitor More...
void accept (visitor::ConstVisitor &v) const override
 accept (or visit) the current AST node using provided visitor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from nmodl::ast::Ast
virtual bool is_ast () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Ast. More...
virtual bool is_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Statement. More...
virtual bool is_identifier () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Identifier. More...
virtual bool is_number () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Number. More...
virtual bool is_string () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::String. More...
virtual bool is_integer () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Integer. More...
virtual bool is_float () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Float. More...
virtual bool is_double () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Double. More...
virtual bool is_boolean () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Boolean. More...
virtual bool is_name () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Name. More...
virtual bool is_prime_name () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::PrimeName. More...
virtual bool is_indexed_name () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::IndexedName. More...
virtual bool is_var_name () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::VarName. More...
virtual bool is_argument () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Argument. More...
virtual bool is_react_var_name () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ReactVarName. More...
virtual bool is_read_ion_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ReadIonVar. More...
virtual bool is_write_ion_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::WriteIonVar. More...
virtual bool is_nonspecific_cur_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::NonspecificCurVar. More...
virtual bool is_electrode_cur_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ElectrodeCurVar. More...
virtual bool is_range_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::RangeVar. More...
virtual bool is_global_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::GlobalVar. More...
virtual bool is_pointer_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::PointerVar. More...
virtual bool is_random_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::RandomVar. More...
virtual bool is_bbcore_pointer_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::BbcorePointerVar. More...
virtual bool is_extern_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ExternVar. More...
virtual bool is_param_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ParamBlock. More...
virtual bool is_independent_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::IndependentBlock. More...
virtual bool is_assigned_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::AssignedBlock. More...
virtual bool is_state_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::StateBlock. More...
virtual bool is_initial_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::InitialBlock. More...
virtual bool is_constructor_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ConstructorBlock. More...
virtual bool is_destructor_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::DestructorBlock. More...
virtual bool is_statement_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::StatementBlock. More...
virtual bool is_derivative_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::DerivativeBlock. More...
virtual bool is_linear_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::LinearBlock. More...
virtual bool is_non_linear_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::NonLinearBlock. More...
virtual bool is_discrete_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::DiscreteBlock. More...
virtual bool is_function_table_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::FunctionTableBlock. More...
virtual bool is_function_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::FunctionBlock. More...
virtual bool is_procedure_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ProcedureBlock. More...
virtual bool is_net_receive_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::NetReceiveBlock. More...
virtual bool is_solve_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::SolveBlock. More...
virtual bool is_breakpoint_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::BreakpointBlock. More...
virtual bool is_before_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::BeforeBlock. More...
virtual bool is_after_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::AfterBlock. More...
virtual bool is_ba_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::BABlock. More...
virtual bool is_for_netcon () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ForNetcon. More...
virtual bool is_kinetic_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::KineticBlock. More...
virtual bool is_unit_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::UnitBlock. More...
virtual bool is_neuron_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::NeuronBlock. More...
virtual bool is_unit () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Unit. More...
virtual bool is_double_unit () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::DoubleUnit. More...
virtual bool is_local_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::LocalVar. More...
virtual bool is_limits () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Limits. More...
virtual bool is_number_range () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::NumberRange. More...
virtual bool is_constant_var () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ConstantVar. More...
virtual bool is_binary_operator () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::BinaryOperator. More...
virtual bool is_unary_operator () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::UnaryOperator. More...
virtual bool is_reaction_operator () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ReactionOperator. More...
virtual bool is_paren_expression () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ParenExpression. More...
virtual bool is_binary_expression () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::BinaryExpression. More...
virtual bool is_diff_eq_expression () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::DiffEqExpression. More...
virtual bool is_unary_expression () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::UnaryExpression. More...
virtual bool is_non_lin_equation () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::NonLinEquation. More...
virtual bool is_lin_equation () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::LinEquation. More...
virtual bool is_function_call () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::FunctionCall. More...
virtual bool is_watch () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Watch. More...
virtual bool is_ba_block_type () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::BABlockType. More...
virtual bool is_unit_def () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::UnitDef. More...
virtual bool is_factor_def () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::FactorDef. More...
virtual bool is_valence () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Valence. More...
virtual bool is_unit_state () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::UnitState. More...
virtual bool is_local_list_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::LocalListStatement. More...
virtual bool is_model () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Model. More...
virtual bool is_define () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Define. More...
virtual bool is_include () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Include. More...
virtual bool is_param_assign () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ParamAssign. More...
virtual bool is_assigned_definition () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::AssignedDefinition. More...
virtual bool is_conductance_hint () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ConductanceHint. More...
virtual bool is_expression_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ExpressionStatement. More...
virtual bool is_protect_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ProtectStatement. More...
virtual bool is_from_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::FromStatement. More...
virtual bool is_while_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::WhileStatement. More...
virtual bool is_if_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::IfStatement. More...
virtual bool is_else_if_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ElseIfStatement. More...
virtual bool is_else_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ElseStatement. More...
virtual bool is_watch_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::WatchStatement. More...
virtual bool is_mutex_lock () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::MutexLock. More...
virtual bool is_mutex_unlock () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::MutexUnlock. More...
virtual bool is_conserve () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Conserve. More...
virtual bool is_compartment () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Compartment. More...
virtual bool is_lon_diffuse () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::LonDiffuse. More...
virtual bool is_reaction_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ReactionStatement. More...
virtual bool is_lag_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::LagStatement. More...
virtual bool is_constant_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ConstantStatement. More...
virtual bool is_table_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::TableStatement. More...
virtual bool is_suffix () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Suffix. More...
virtual bool is_useion () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Useion. More...
virtual bool is_nonspecific () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Nonspecific. More...
virtual bool is_electrode_current () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ElectrodeCurrent. More...
virtual bool is_range () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Range. More...
virtual bool is_global () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Global. More...
virtual bool is_random_var_list () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::RandomVarList. More...
virtual bool is_pointer () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Pointer. More...
virtual bool is_bbcore_pointer () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::BbcorePointer. More...
virtual bool is_external () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::External. More...
virtual bool is_thread_safe () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ThreadSafe. More...
virtual bool is_verbatim () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Verbatim. More...
virtual bool is_line_comment () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::LineComment. More...
virtual bool is_block_comment () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::BlockComment. More...
virtual bool is_ontology_statement () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::OntologyStatement. More...
virtual bool is_program () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Program. More...
virtual bool is_nrn_state_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::NrnStateBlock. More...
virtual bool is_eigen_newton_solver_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::EigenNewtonSolverBlock. More...
virtual bool is_eigen_linear_solver_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::EigenLinearSolverBlock. More...
virtual bool is_cvode_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::CvodeBlock. More...
virtual bool is_longitudinal_diffusion_block () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::LongitudinalDiffusionBlock. More...
virtual bool is_wrapped_expression () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::WrappedExpression. More...
virtual bool is_derivimplicit_callback () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::DerivimplicitCallback. More...
virtual bool is_solution_expression () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::SolutionExpression. More...
virtual bool is_update_dt () const noexcept
 Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::UpdateDt. More...
virtual Astget_parent () const
 Parent getter. More...
virtual void set_parent (Ast *p)
 Parent setter. More...
 Ast ()=default
virtual ~Ast ()=default
virtual std::string get_node_name () const
 Return name of of the node. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< StatementBlockget_statement_block () const
 Return associated statement block for the AST node. More...
virtual void set_name (const std::string &name)
 Set name for the AST node. More...
virtual void negate ()
 Negate the value of AST node. More...

Private Member Functions

void set_parent_in_children ()
 Set this object as parent for all the children. More...

Private Attributes

ConstantStatementVector statements
 Vector of constant statements. More...
std::shared_ptr< ModTokentoken
 token with location information More...
symtab::SymbolTablesymtab = nullptr
 symbol table for a block More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ConstantBlock() [1/2]

nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::ConstantBlock ( const ConstantStatementVector statements)

Definition at line 5409 of file ast.cpp.

◆ ConstantBlock() [2/2]

nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::ConstantBlock ( const ConstantBlock obj)

copy constructor implementation

copy each element of vector

if there is a token, make copy

set parents

Definition at line 5415 of file ast.cpp.

◆ ~ConstantBlock()

virtual nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::~ConstantBlock ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept() [1/2]

void nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::accept ( visitor::ConstVisitor v) const

accept (or visit) the current AST node using provided visitor

Instead of visiting children of AST node, like Ast::visit_children, accept allows to visit the current node itself using provided concrete visitor.

vConcrete visitor that will be used to recursively visit node
See also
Ast::accept for example.

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Block.

Definition at line 5404 of file ast.cpp.

◆ accept() [2/2]

void nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::accept ( visitor::Visitor v)

accept (or visit) the current AST node using provided visitor

Instead of visiting children of AST node, like Ast::visit_children, accept allows to visit the current node itself using provided concrete visitor.

vConcrete visitor that will be used to recursively visit node
See also
Ast::accept for example.

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Block.

Definition at line 5400 of file ast.cpp.

◆ clone()

ConstantBlock* nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::clone ( ) const

Return a copy of the current node.

Recursively make a new copy/clone of the current node including all members and return a pointer to the node. This is used for passes like nmodl::visitor::InlineVisitor where nodes are cloned in the ast.

pointer to the clone/copy of the current node

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Block.

Definition at line 86 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ get_nmodl_name()

std::string nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::get_nmodl_name ( ) const

Return NMODL statement of ast node as std::string.

Every node is related to a special statement in the NMODL. This statement can be returned as a std::string for printing to text/json form.

name of the statement as a string i.e. "CONSTANT "
See also

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Ast.

Definition at line 134 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ get_node_type()

AstNodeType nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::get_node_type ( ) const

Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node.

Every node in the ast has a type defined in ast::AstNodeType and this function is used to retrieve the same.

ast node type i.e. ast::AstNodeType::CONSTANT_BLOCK
See also

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Block.

Definition at line 104 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ get_node_type_name()

std::string nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::get_node_type_name ( ) const

Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node as std::string.

Every node in the ast has a type defined in ast::AstNodeType. This type name can be returned as a std::string for printing node to text/json form.

name of the node type as a string i.e. "ConstantBlock"
See also

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Block.

Definition at line 119 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ get_shared_ptr() [1/2]

std::shared_ptr<const Ast> nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::get_shared_ptr ( ) const

Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node.

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Block.

Definition at line 148 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ get_shared_ptr() [2/2]

std::shared_ptr<Ast> nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::get_shared_ptr ( )

Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node.

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Block.

Definition at line 141 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ get_statements()

const ConstantStatementVector& nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::get_statements ( ) const

Getter for member variable ConstantBlock::statements.

Definition at line 184 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ get_symbol_table()

symtab::SymbolTable* nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::get_symbol_table ( ) const

Return associated symbol table for the current ast node.

Only certain ast nodes (e.g. inherited from ast::Block) have associated symbol table. These nodes have nmodl::symtab::SymbolTable as member and it can be accessed using this method.

pointer to the symbol table
See also
nmodl::symtab::SymbolTable nmodl::visitor::SymtabVisitor

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Ast.

Definition at line 175 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ get_token()

const ModToken* nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::get_token ( ) const

Return associated token for the current ast node.

Not all ast nodes have token information. For example, nmodl::visitor::NeuronSolveVisitor can insert new nodes in the ast as a solution of ODEs. In this case, we return nullptr to store in the nmodl::symtab::SymbolTable.

pointer to token if exist otherwise nullptr

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Ast.

Definition at line 161 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ is_constant_block()

bool nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::is_constant_block ( ) const

Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::ConstantBlock.

true as object is of type ast::ConstantBlock

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Ast.

Definition at line 71 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ set_parent_in_children()

void nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::set_parent_in_children ( )

Set this object as parent for all the children.

set this parent in the children

This should be called in every object (with children) constructor to set parents. Since it is called only in the constructors it should not be virtual to avoid ambiguities (issue #295).

set parent for each element of the vector

Definition at line 5432 of file ast.cpp.

◆ set_statements() [1/2]

void nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::set_statements ( const ConstantStatementVector statements)

Setter for member variable ConstantBlock::statements.

Definition at line 5452 of file ast.cpp.

◆ set_statements() [2/2]

void nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::set_statements ( ConstantStatementVector &&  statements)

Setter for member variable ConstantBlock::statements (rvalue reference)

Definition at line 5444 of file ast.cpp.

◆ set_symbol_table()

void nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::set_symbol_table ( symtab::SymbolTable newsymtab)

Set symbol table for the current ast node.

Top level, block scoped nodes store symbol table in the ast node. nmodl::visitor::SymtabVisitor then used this method to setup symbol table for every node in the ast.

See also

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Ast.

Definition at line 204 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ set_token()

void nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::set_token ( const ModToken tok)

Set token for the current ast node.

Definition at line 194 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ visit_children() [1/2]

void nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::visit_children ( visitor::ConstVisitor v) const

visit children i.e.

member variables of current node using provided visitor

Different nodes in the AST have different members (i.e. children). This method recursively visits children using provided visitor.

vConcrete constant visitor that will be used to recursively visit children
See also
Ast::visit_children for example.

visit each element of vector

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Block.

Definition at line 5392 of file ast.cpp.

◆ visit_children() [2/2]

void nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::visit_children ( visitor::Visitor v)

visit children i.e.

ConstantBlock member functions definition.

member variables of current node using provided visitor

Different nodes in the AST have different members (i.e. children). This method recursively visits children using provided visitor.

vConcrete visitor that will be used to recursively visit children
See also
Ast::visit_children for example.

visit each element of vector

Reimplemented from nmodl::ast::Block.

Definition at line 5384 of file ast.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ statements

ConstantStatementVector nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::statements

Vector of constant statements.

Definition at line 53 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ symtab

symtab::SymbolTable* nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::symtab = nullptr

symbol table for a block

Definition at line 57 of file constant_block.hpp.

◆ token

std::shared_ptr<ModToken> nmodl::ast::ConstantBlock::token

token with location information

Definition at line 55 of file constant_block.hpp.

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