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Enum node types for all ast nodes. More...
Enum node types for all ast nodes.
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Enum type for every AST node type.
Every node in the ast has associated type represented by this enum class.
Enumerator | |
NODE | type of ast::Node |
STATEMENT | type of ast::Statement |
EXPRESSION | type of ast::Expression |
BLOCK | type of ast::Block |
IDENTIFIER | type of ast::Identifier |
NUMBER | type of ast::Number |
STRING | type of ast::String |
INTEGER | type of ast::Integer |
FLOAT | type of ast::Float |
DOUBLE | type of ast::Double |
BOOLEAN | type of ast::Boolean |
NAME | type of ast::Name |
PRIME_NAME | type of ast::PrimeName |
INDEXED_NAME | type of ast::IndexedName |
VAR_NAME | type of ast::VarName |
ARGUMENT | type of ast::Argument |
REACT_VAR_NAME | type of ast::ReactVarName |
READ_ION_VAR | type of ast::ReadIonVar |
WRITE_ION_VAR | type of ast::WriteIonVar |
NONSPECIFIC_CUR_VAR | type of ast::NonspecificCurVar |
ELECTRODE_CUR_VAR | type of ast::ElectrodeCurVar |
RANGE_VAR | type of ast::RangeVar |
GLOBAL_VAR | type of ast::GlobalVar |
POINTER_VAR | type of ast::PointerVar |
RANDOM_VAR | type of ast::RandomVar |
BBCORE_POINTER_VAR | type of ast::BbcorePointerVar |
EXTERN_VAR | type of ast::ExternVar |
PARAM_BLOCK | type of ast::ParamBlock |
INDEPENDENT_BLOCK | type of ast::IndependentBlock |
ASSIGNED_BLOCK | type of ast::AssignedBlock |
STATE_BLOCK | type of ast::StateBlock |
INITIAL_BLOCK | type of ast::InitialBlock |
CONSTRUCTOR_BLOCK | type of ast::ConstructorBlock |
DESTRUCTOR_BLOCK | type of ast::DestructorBlock |
STATEMENT_BLOCK | type of ast::StatementBlock |
DERIVATIVE_BLOCK | type of ast::DerivativeBlock |
LINEAR_BLOCK | type of ast::LinearBlock |
NON_LINEAR_BLOCK | type of ast::NonLinearBlock |
DISCRETE_BLOCK | type of ast::DiscreteBlock |
FUNCTION_TABLE_BLOCK | type of ast::FunctionTableBlock |
FUNCTION_BLOCK | type of ast::FunctionBlock |
PROCEDURE_BLOCK | type of ast::ProcedureBlock |
NET_RECEIVE_BLOCK | type of ast::NetReceiveBlock |
SOLVE_BLOCK | type of ast::SolveBlock |
BREAKPOINT_BLOCK | type of ast::BreakpointBlock |
BEFORE_BLOCK | type of ast::BeforeBlock |
AFTER_BLOCK | type of ast::AfterBlock |
BA_BLOCK | type of ast::BABlock |
FOR_NETCON | type of ast::ForNetcon |
KINETIC_BLOCK | type of ast::KineticBlock |
UNIT_BLOCK | type of ast::UnitBlock |
CONSTANT_BLOCK | type of ast::ConstantBlock |
NEURON_BLOCK | type of ast::NeuronBlock |
UNIT | type of ast::Unit |
DOUBLE_UNIT | type of ast::DoubleUnit |
LOCAL_VAR | type of ast::LocalVar |
LIMITS | type of ast::Limits |
NUMBER_RANGE | type of ast::NumberRange |
CONSTANT_VAR | type of ast::ConstantVar |
BINARY_OPERATOR | type of ast::BinaryOperator |
UNARY_OPERATOR | type of ast::UnaryOperator |
REACTION_OPERATOR | type of ast::ReactionOperator |
PAREN_EXPRESSION | type of ast::ParenExpression |
BINARY_EXPRESSION | type of ast::BinaryExpression |
DIFF_EQ_EXPRESSION | type of ast::DiffEqExpression |
UNARY_EXPRESSION | type of ast::UnaryExpression |
NON_LIN_EQUATION | type of ast::NonLinEquation |
LIN_EQUATION | type of ast::LinEquation |
FUNCTION_CALL | type of ast::FunctionCall |
WATCH | type of ast::Watch |
BA_BLOCK_TYPE | type of ast::BABlockType |
UNIT_DEF | type of ast::UnitDef |
FACTOR_DEF | type of ast::FactorDef |
VALENCE | type of ast::Valence |
UNIT_STATE | type of ast::UnitState |
LOCAL_LIST_STATEMENT | type of ast::LocalListStatement |
MODEL | type of ast::Model |
DEFINE | type of ast::Define |
INCLUDE | type of ast::Include |
PARAM_ASSIGN | type of ast::ParamAssign |
ASSIGNED_DEFINITION | type of ast::AssignedDefinition |
CONDUCTANCE_HINT | type of ast::ConductanceHint |
EXPRESSION_STATEMENT | type of ast::ExpressionStatement |
PROTECT_STATEMENT | type of ast::ProtectStatement |
FROM_STATEMENT | type of ast::FromStatement |
WHILE_STATEMENT | type of ast::WhileStatement |
IF_STATEMENT | type of ast::IfStatement |
ELSE_IF_STATEMENT | type of ast::ElseIfStatement |
ELSE_STATEMENT | type of ast::ElseStatement |
WATCH_STATEMENT | type of ast::WatchStatement |
MUTEX_LOCK | type of ast::MutexLock |
MUTEX_UNLOCK | type of ast::MutexUnlock |
CONSERVE | type of ast::Conserve |
COMPARTMENT | type of ast::Compartment |
LON_DIFFUSE | type of ast::LonDiffuse |
REACTION_STATEMENT | type of ast::ReactionStatement |
LAG_STATEMENT | type of ast::LagStatement |
CONSTANT_STATEMENT | type of ast::ConstantStatement |
TABLE_STATEMENT | type of ast::TableStatement |
SUFFIX | type of ast::Suffix |
USEION | type of ast::Useion |
NONSPECIFIC | type of ast::Nonspecific |
ELECTRODE_CURRENT | type of ast::ElectrodeCurrent |
RANGE | type of ast::Range |
GLOBAL | type of ast::Global |
RANDOM_VAR_LIST | type of ast::RandomVarList |
POINTER | type of ast::Pointer |
BBCORE_POINTER | type of ast::BbcorePointer |
EXTERNAL | type of ast::External |
THREAD_SAFE | type of ast::ThreadSafe |
VERBATIM | type of ast::Verbatim |
LINE_COMMENT | type of ast::LineComment |
BLOCK_COMMENT | type of ast::BlockComment |
ONTOLOGY_STATEMENT | type of ast::OntologyStatement |
PROGRAM | type of ast::Program |
NRN_STATE_BLOCK | type of ast::NrnStateBlock |
EIGEN_NEWTON_SOLVER_BLOCK | type of ast::EigenNewtonSolverBlock |
EIGEN_LINEAR_SOLVER_BLOCK | type of ast::EigenLinearSolverBlock |
CVODE_BLOCK | type of ast::CvodeBlock |
LONGITUDINAL_DIFFUSION_BLOCK | type of ast::LongitudinalDiffusionBlock |
WRAPPED_EXPRESSION | type of ast::WrappedExpression |
DERIVIMPLICIT_CALLBACK | type of ast::DerivimplicitCallback |
SOLUTION_EXPRESSION | type of ast::SolutionExpression |
UPDATE_DT | type of ast::UpdateDt |
Definition at line 166 of file ast_decl.hpp.