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User Guide
bool under_derivative_block
if visiting derivative block
Represents a BEFORE block in NMODL.
Represents a C code block.
void visit_eigen_newton_solver_block(const ast::EigenNewtonSolverBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::EigenNewtonSolverBlock
void visit_eigen_linear_solver_block(const ast::EigenLinearSolverBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::EigenLinearSolverBlock
void find_neuron_global_variables()
void check_cvode_codegen(const ast::Program &node)
Find whether or not we need to emit CVODE-related code for NEURON Notes: we generate CVODE-related co...
void visit_breakpoint_block(const ast::BreakpointBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::BreakpointBlock
Concrete constant visitor for all AST classes.
void visit_update_dt(const ast::UpdateDt &node) override
visit node of type ast::UpdateDt
void visit_conductance_hint(const ast::ConductanceHint &node) override
visit node of type ast::ConductanceHint
void visit_destructor_block(const ast::DestructorBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::DestructorBlock
bool table_statement_used
table statement found
symtab::SymbolTable * psymtab
symbol table for the program
void visit_electrode_current(const ast::ElectrodeCurrent &node) override
visit node of type ast::ElectrodeCurrent
Represents CONDUCTANCE statement in NMODL.
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< symtab::Symbol > > SymbolVectorType
encapsulates code generation backend implementations
void visit_program(const ast::Program &node) override
visit node of type ast::Program
void visit_function_block(const ast::FunctionBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::FunctionBlock
CodegenHelperVisitor(bool enable_cvode=false)
std::shared_ptr< symtab::Symbol > SymbolType
void visit_discrete_block(const ast::DiscreteBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::DiscreteBlock
Represents a block used for variable timestep integration (CVODE) of DERIVATIVE blocks.
Implement classes for representing symbol table at block and file scope.
void visit_function_call(const ast::FunctionCall &node) override
visit node of type ast::FunctionCall
Represents TABLE statement in NMODL.
Represents SUFFIX statement in NMODL.
void visit_factor_def(const ast::FactorDef &node) override
visit node of type ast::FactorDef
Represent information collected from AST for code generation.
void visit_for_netcon(const ast::ForNetcon &node) override
visit node of type ast::ForNetcon
void visit_binary_expression(const ast::BinaryExpression &node) override
visit node of type ast::BinaryExpression
Represent newton solver solution block based on Eigen.
void visit_statement_block(const ast::StatementBlock &node) override
Visit statement block and find prime symbols appear in derivative block.
Represents a INITIAL block in the NMODL.
Represent WATCH statement in NMODL.
Represents a BREAKPOINT block in NMODL.
void visit_cvode_block(const ast::CvodeBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::CvodeBlock
void visit_table_statement(const ast::TableStatement &node) override
visit node of type ast::TableStatement
Represents a DESTRUCTOR block in the NMODL.
bool under_breakpoint_block
if visiting breakpoint block
Represents a CONSTRUCTOR block in the NMODL.
void visit_non_linear_block(const ast::NonLinearBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::NonLinearBlock
Extracts information required for LONGITUDINAL_DIFFUSION for each KINETIC block.
void visit_after_block(const ast::AfterBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::AfterBlock
void find_range_variables()
Find range variables i.e.
void visit_watch(const ast::Watch &node) override
visit node of type ast::Watch
static void sort_with_mod2c_symbol_order(std::vector< SymbolType > &symbols)
How symbols are stored in NEURON? See notes written in markdown file.
void visit_watch_statement(const ast::WatchStatement &node) override
visit node of type ast::WatchStatement
void visit_procedure_block(const ast::ProcedureBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::ProcedureBlock
void visit_before_block(const ast::BeforeBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::BeforeBlock
Represents DERIVATIVE block in the NMODL.
Various types to store code generation specific information.
Represent symbol table for a NMODL block.
codegen::CodegenInfo analyze(const ast::Program &node)
run visitor and return information for code generation
Represent linear solver solution block based on Eigen.
Statement to indicate a change in timestep in a given block.
void visit_net_receive_block(const ast::NetReceiveBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::NetReceiveBlock
std::shared_ptr< ast::Expression > assign_lhs
lhs of assignment in derivative block
void find_table_variables()
Represents the coreneuron nrn_state callback function.
Represents block encapsulating list of statements.
void visit_thread_safe(const ast::ThreadSafe &) override
visit node of type ast::ThreadSafe
void visit_longitudinal_diffusion_block(const ast::LongitudinalDiffusionBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::LongitudinalDiffusionBlock
void visit_linear_block(const ast::LinearBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::LinearBlock
Represents LINEAR block in the NMODL.
Represent a callback to NEURON's derivimplicit solver.
void find_non_range_variables()
Find non-range variables i.e.
void visit_derivimplicit_callback(const ast::DerivimplicitCallback &node) override
visit node of type ast::DerivimplicitCallback
void find_ion_variables(const ast::Program &node)
Find all ions used in mod file.
Represents NONLINEAR block in the NMODL.
void visit_derivative_block(const ast::DerivativeBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::DerivativeBlock
void visit_function_table_block(const ast::FunctionTableBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::FunctionTableBlock
Helper visitor to gather AST information to help code generation.
void visit_bbcore_pointer(const ast::BbcorePointer &node) override
visit node of type ast::BbcorePointer
void visit_verbatim(const ast::Verbatim &node) override
visit verbatim block and find all symbols used
Represents BBCOREPOINTER statement in NMODL.
bool under_net_receive_block
if visiting net receive block
bool enable_cvode
Config variable for enabling/disabling CVODE, see emit_cvode.
Represents top level AST node for whole NMODL input.
Represents a AFTER block in NMODL.
Represents THREADSAFE statement in NMODL.
Represents ELECTRODE_CURRENT variables statement in NMODL.
void visit_initial_block(const ast::InitialBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::InitialBlock
void visit_nrn_state_block(const ast::NrnStateBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::NrnStateBlock
Represents binary expression in the NMODL.
codegen::CodegenInfo info
holds all codegen related information
void visit_constructor_block(const ast::ConstructorBlock &node) override
visit node of type ast::ConstructorBlock
void visit_suffix(const ast::Suffix &node) override
visit node of type ast::Suffix
Concrete visitor for all AST classes.