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48 std::shared_ptr<ModToken>
112 return "Compartment";
127 return "COMPARTMENT";
134 return std::static_pointer_cast<Compartment>(shared_from_this());
141 return std::static_pointer_cast<const Compartment>(shared_from_this());
Abstract base class for all constant visitors implementation.
type of ast::Compartment
std::shared_ptr< Name > get_index_name() const noexcept
Getter for member variable Compartment::index_name.
const NameVector & get_species() const noexcept
Getter for member variable Compartment::species.
Auto generated AST classes declaration.
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) related implementations.
AstNodeType get_node_type() const noexcept override
Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node.
std::string get_nmodl_name() const noexcept override
Return NMODL statement of ast node as std::string.
Enum type for every AST node type.
NameVector species
The names of the species that reside in this compartment.
Auto generated AST classes declaration.
std::string get_node_type_name() const noexcept override
Return type (ast::AstNodeType) of ast node as std::string.
void set_token(const ModToken &tok)
Set token for the current ast node.
void accept(visitor::Visitor &v) override
accept (or visit) the current AST node using provided visitor
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Name > > NameVector
Abstract base class for all visitors implementation.
Compartment * clone() const override
Return a copy of the current node.
std::shared_ptr< ModToken > token
token with location information
std::shared_ptr< Ast > get_shared_ptr() override
Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node.
std::shared_ptr< Name > index_name
Name of the index variable in volume expression.
void set_index_name(std::shared_ptr< Name > &&index_name)
Setter for member variable Compartment::index_name (rvalue reference)
void set_volume(std::shared_ptr< Expression > &&volume)
Setter for member variable Compartment::volume (rvalue reference)
Represent COMPARTMENT statement in NMODL.
std::shared_ptr< Expression > volume
The volume of the compartment.
void visit_children(visitor::Visitor &v) override
visit children i.e.
virtual ~Compartment()=default
void set_parent_in_children()
Set this object as parent for all the children.
std::shared_ptr< const Ast > get_shared_ptr() const override
Get std::shared_ptr from this pointer of the current ast node.
Base class for all expressions in the NMODL.
Compartment(Name *index_name, Expression *volume, const NameVector &species)
const ModToken * get_token() const noexcept override
Return associated token for the current ast node.
Represent token returned by scanner.
bool is_compartment() const noexcept override
Check if the ast node is an instance of ast::Compartment.
std::shared_ptr< Expression > get_volume() const noexcept
Getter for member variable Compartment::volume.
void set_species(NameVector &&species)
Setter for member variable Compartment::species (rvalue reference)